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Open access requirements will erode academic freedom by catalysing intensive forms of institutional managerialism. In response to last week’s piece on how open access will enhance academic freedom, Kyle Grayson responds by outlining three key reasons why open access will directly–and indirectly–erode academic freedom in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. He argues that gold access will catalyse more intensive forms of managerialism based on crude metrics and that the scope and size of research projects are equally at risk.

In light of the formalisation of core aspects of the open access regime by the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) on 1 April 2013, there was an interesting piece by Curt Rice on the LSE Impact blog last week. He argues that open access will enhance academic freedom. While I would agree that his argument is plausible in theory–and I have presented similar arguments in favour of open access–his position completely ignores the institutional context that is shaping how open access is being implemented in the UK. Academic Freedom About the Author. Refdoc. Refdoc est momentanément indisponible pour cause de maintenance. Nous vous prions de nous en excuser et vous invitons à vous reconnecter ultérieurement

PLOS | Public Library Of Science. Blogs: BMJ Open. A debilitating syndrome that causes an excessively rapid heartbeat on standing up, predominantly affects young well educated women, and blights their lives, because it is so poorly understood and inconsistently treated, reveals a small study published in the online journal BMJ Open. Postural tachycardia syndrome, or PoTS for short, is a by-product of orthostatic intolerance – a disorder of the autonomic nervous system in which the circulatory and nervous system responses needed to compensate for the stress put on the body on standing upright, don’t work properly.

PoTS is associated with an excessively rapid heartbeat, or tachycardia. Symptoms include dizziness, fainting, nausea, poor concentration, excessive fatigue and trembling, and can be so severe as to make routine activities, such as eating and bathing, very difficult to do. In the US, PoTS is thought to affect around 170 per 100,000 of the population, one in four of whom is disabled and unable to work. BMC Research Notes | About. PLOS ONE : accelerating the publication of peer-reviewed science.

Fabrica. Altmetric bookmarklet Fonctionnalité Ce script Altmetric vous permet de suivre l’évolution de l’impact d’un article sur les réseaux sociaux. Il ne s’agit donc pas de (...) Type de service : plugin lire la suite Archive ouverte HAL-INRIA L’Archive ouverte HAL-Inria met à la disposition des scientifiques un environnement de dépôt et de consultation de publications scientifiques dans (...) Type de service : service en ligne lire la suite ArXiv Archive ouverte dans le domaine de la physique, des mathématiques, de l’informatique, de la biologie quantitative et des statistiques qui comprend (...) lire la suite Bib2Hal Bib2HalWeb permet un import par lot de publications à partir d’un fichier BibTeX depuis HAL-Inria. Lire la suite BioRxiv bioRxiv(qui se prononce « bio-archive ») est une archive ouverte sur le modèle d’arXiv, dans les domaines des sciences de la vie (microbiologie, (...) lire la suite Création de page web de publications : ajout d’un formulaire de filtre lire la suite lire la suite lire la suite.

Open Access Directory. BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine | About BASE. BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. As the open access movement grows and prospers, more and more repository servers come into being which use the "Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting" (OAI-PMH) for providing their contents. BASE collects, normalises, and indexes these data. BASE provides more than 80 million documents from more than 4,000 sources.

BASE is a registered OAI service provider and contributed to the European project "Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research" (DRIVER). In comparison to commercial search engines, BASE is charcterised by the following features: Start searching BASE. Open access: The true cost of science publishing. Michael Eisen doesn't hold back when invited to vent. “It's still ludicrous how much it costs to publish research — let alone what we pay,” he declares.

The biggest travesty, he says, is that the scientific community carries out peer review — a major part of scholarly publishing — for free, yet subscription-journal publishers charge billions of dollars per year, all told, for scientists to read the final product. “It's a ridiculous transaction,” he says. Eisen, a molecular biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, argues that scientists can get much better value by publishing in open-access journals, which make articles free for everyone to read and which recoup their costs by charging authors or funders.

Among the best-known examples are journals published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), which Eisen co-founded in 2000. The past few years have seen a change, however. The cost of publishing Costly functions The value of rejection The path to open access. Traduction française du projet de loi allemande modifiant le droit d’auteur. Publié le 18 mars 2013, par Thérèse HAMEAU Le projet de loi « Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Nutzung verwaister Werke und zu weiteren Änderungen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes und des Urheberrechtswahrnehmungsgesetzes » a été proposé en février 2013 par le ministère de la Justice.

Il concerne un aménagement du droit d’auteur dans le domaine de la communication scientifique via un amendement de la loi allemande sur le droit d’auteur (Urheberrechtsgesetz) du 9 septembre 1965. Le service de traduction de l’Inist-Cnrs a assuré la traduction en français des passages du texte du projet qui sont parmi les plus éclairants. Article 1 3. L’alinéa 38 est modifié comme suit : a) Dans le paragraphe 1, phrase 1, les termes « reproduction et diffusion » sont remplacés par les termes « reproduction, diffusion et mise à disposition publique » b) Le paragraphe 4 suivant est ajouté : Exposé des motifs A. 2.

Le marché des publications scientifiques est dominé par un petit nombre de grands éditeurs scientifiques. B. Knowledge Unlatched. SCOAP3 | Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics. Nature Communications dataset. *The embed functionality can only be used for non commercial purposes. In order to maintain its sustainability, all mass use of content by commercial or not for profit companies must be done in agreement with figshare. Description An independent statistical analysis of the articles published in Nature Communications, carried out by the Research Information Network (RIN) has found that open access (OA) articles are viewed three times more often than articles that are only available to subscribers. RIN also found that OA articles are cited more than subscription articles.

This is the dataset used by RIN. Comments (0) Published on 30 Jul 2014 - 07:28 (GMT) Filesize is 200.91 KB License (what's this?) Cite "Filename" Place your mouse over the citation text to select it Embed "Nature Communications dataset" Show filename on top Place your mouse over the embed code to select and copy it. 2012_Modele_Memoire_Fin_Annee_EtudiantsWord2010-10corrMonique - 64131-de-l-open-data-a-l-open-research-data-quelles-politiques-pour-les-donnees-de-recherche.pdf. Bibliodiversité et accès ouvert | Blogo-numericus. Marin Dacos[1] A l’heure du cloud, du software as a service (SAS), du big data et des géants mondiaux du numérique, il semble impossible d’éviter le débat sur les iniatives européennes en matière d’infrastructures numériques de recherches. Dans ce domaine, la prise de conscience date de 2006 et a été… américaine[2]. Depuis, elle s’est étendue à des acteurs européens, notamment à travers la feuille de route ESFRI[3], qui a introduit le numérique dans son agenda.

Se pencher sur la situation des sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) dans ce domaine revient à constater une modestie des moyens mobilisés, qui reste hors de proportion des enjeux scientifiques mobilisés. La lecture du Strategy report on research infrastructures (2010) est, à ce titre, particulièrement éclairante. En se concentrant sur les coûts de construction des infrastructures européennes ESFRI toutes disciplines confondues, on constate que les SHS représentent seulement 1% de ce coût[4].

Construction costs Hypotheses homepage.