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How to Create a Basic Plugin. Sometimes you want to make a piece of functionality available throughout your code. For example, perhaps you want a single method you can call on a jQuery selection that performs a series of operations on the selection. Maybe you wrote a really useful utility function that you want to be able to move easily to other projects.

In this case, you may want to write a plugin. Before we write our own plugins, we must first understand a little about how jQuery works. This is some pretty basic jQuery code, but do you know what's happening behind the scenes? Additionally the jQuery utility method $.trim() is used above to remove any leading or trailing empty space characters from the user input. Let's say we want to create a plugin that makes text within a set of retrieved elements green. Notice that to use .css(), another method, we use this, not $( this ). This works, but there's a couple of things we need to do for our plugin to survive in the real world. Example usage: Plugins. Effects. Using jQuery Core. jQuery setTimeout() Function Examples. SetTimeout is a native JavaScript function (although it can be used with a library such as jQuery, as we’ll see later on), which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified delay (in milliseconds).

This might be useful if, for example, you wished to display a popup after a visitor has been browsing your page for a certain amount of time, or you want a short delay before removing a hover effect from an element (in case the user accidentally moused out). Basic setTimeout Example To demonstrate the concept, the following demo displays a popup, two seconds after the button is clicked. See the Pen Delayed Magnific Popup modal by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen. If you don’t see the popup open, please visit CodePen and run the demo there. Syntax From the MDN documentation, the syntax for setTimeout is as follows: var timeoutID = scope.setTimeout(function[, delay, param1, param2, ...]) where: Note: the square brackets [] denote optional parameters. setTimeout vs window.setTimeout.


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Blueimp. jQuery UI. jQuery. jQuery formBuilder/formRender Demo. Jquery.