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Extreme programming practices. Extreme programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology used to implement software projects.

Extreme programming practices

This article details the practices used in this methodology. Extreme programming has 12 practices, grouped into four areas, derived from the best practices of software engineering.[1] Fine scale feedback[edit] Pair programming[edit] Pair programming means that all code is produced by two people programming on one task on one workstation. APIs Console. Language information and text direction. This section of the document discusses two important issues that affect the internationalization of HTML: specifying the language (the lang attribute) and direction (the dir attribute) of text in a document. 8.1 Specifying the language of content: the lang attribute Attribute definitions.

Language information and text direction

ISO 3166 Codes (Countries) ISO 639-2 Language Code List - Codes for the representation of names of languages. Ant™ User Manual.