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About. Interactive Storytelling: Preparing Students to Innovate. This morning I gave a talk in the GDC Education Summit — Interactive Storytelling: Preparing Students to Innovate — and I’m posting my slides below. As for the topic, my talk description ended up being pretty accurate: We want students to create innovative games, but innovation in interactive storytelling can be hard to imagine for students, both undergraduate and graduate.

Designing an interactive story isn’t a secret art or a matter of magical technology. It’s the design of a system, of elements and operations, just like other parts of games. If you would like to see the presenter notes that go with the slides, which might be useful for interpreting some of them, you can also download the slide PDFs. About the author: Noah Wardrip-Fruin is an Associate Professor at UC Santa Cruz and the author of Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies.

A List of the Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers. Map Tales. Le Point du FLE - Annuaire du français langue étrangère - Apprendre le français - Learn French - Aprender francés - Französisch lernen. Le Trésor de la Langue Française Informatisé. LA PONCTUATION FRANÇAISE [REFERENCE] CRISCO - Dictionnaire des synonymes.

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