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Protège Votre Vie Privée!

Votre Vie Privée est menacée! Chaque fois que vous utilisez un moteur de recherches courant, vos données de recherches sont enregistrées'. Les principaux moteurs de recherche enregistrent votre adresse IP et utilisent des cookies de suivi pour enregistrer vos termes de recherche, la date et l'heure de votre visite, et les liens sur lesquels vous avez cliqué. Ils enregistrent ensuite ces informations dans une énorme base de données. WikiHebergeursLibres:ListeHebergeurs. Pour écrire: Enregistrez vous dans ParametresUtilisateur, Liste des Hébergeurs libres, éthiques, solidaires, coopératifs, associatifs, indépendants, alternatifs, non marchands,.... et Francophone = Pas de pub, pas de censure, but non-lucratif ou soutien de projets libres ou solidaires, utilisation d'outils libres et coopératifs, fonctionnement et gestion participatifs, ouverts, transparents, respectueux des libertés d'information et de la vie privée,...


Ouvaton, Globenet, Apinc, l’Autre Net, Altern, Tuxfamily, FDN, Gitoyen, GIXE, Marsnet, Yeba, Infini, medicalistes,, Indepnet,, RHIEN, propagande, Alternc, Kazar, … Hébergeurs ou acteurs de l'Internet Libre (liste à compléter) Certains hébergeurs, héberge leurs serveurs dans des grosses structures commerciales (OVH, Free,...) et d'autres de manière indépendante (association, GITOYEN ou SSLL) Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program - PRISM Break. Protect your freedom and privacy; join us in creating an Internet that's safer from surveillance. Mass-scale surveillance like PRISM is disturbing, but is an unsurprising effect of how centralized the Web is today.

Protect your freedom and privacy; join us in creating an Internet that's safer from surveillance

For years, people have been trusting more and more of their data to remotely hosted systems. Users are also giving up control of their computing to Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS), remotely-hosted programs that exchange data with users to do computing that they could do on their own machines. In both cases, there's no way to see what these servers are doing with your data, so you have to take the host's word for it that they are being responsible. But these companies submit to governments when they ask for your information, whether it's ostensibly to fight terrorism or to stop unauthorized copying.

If we want to defang surveillance programs like PRISM, we need to stop using centralized systems and come together to build an Internet that's decentralized, trustworthy, and free "as in freedom. " We have the tools to build a better Internet. What you can do. Quick Guide to Alternatives. Lynis. Beta. Liveport Surpasses 100 Hotel Wi-Fi Installs Since Switching to Open-Mesh. (PRWEB) January 11, 2011 Liveport transitioned from Meraki devices to develop technology specific to the hospitality market and realize significant cost savings.

Liveport Surpasses 100 Hotel Wi-Fi Installs Since Switching to Open-Mesh

The transition from has been faster and smoother than anticipated, noted Gerry Bakker, Liveport’s President. “We like the way the Open-Mesh units just work,” said Bakker. “We installed several hundred hotels through Canada and the U.S.. The Meraki units worked, but due to higher pricing, lower reliability and certain missing features in their cloud controller, we switched to Open-Mesh for new installations. In addition to using Open-Mesh hardware for new installations, Liveport has been upgrading hotels running Meraki to new Open-Mesh technology, resulting in significant cost savings for ongoing service and support.

Liveport is using the Open-Mesh Professional Series router. “We like that these support standard and decora plugs, leave an outlet free and hide the router, power supply and antenna,” added Bakker. Cloud-Managed Wireless Networks. Récupéré: pandark.


B. C. TOR. OPENVPN. OpenWrt. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


OpenWrt est une distribution GNU/Linux minimaliste pour matériel embarqué (Routeurs, Tablettes, Téléphones ...). Historiquement développée pour remplacer le firmware des routeurs basés sur des System-on-Chip Broadcom, par exemple les routeurs WLAN de Asus, Belkin, Dell, Linksys, US Robotics, Viewsonic. OpenWrt fournit une interface Web avec le firmware Whiterussian (webif) et Kamikaze via les projets X-Wrt et LuCI. Version des firmwares[modifier | modifier le code] Whiterussian[modifier | modifier le code] Kamikaze[modifier | modifier le code]