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Almond Linzer Cookies Recipe. Apple Strudel Breakfast Muffins. There are few things better than the smell of warm apples filling up your home during the Fall season. So, what better way to start your day than with an Apple Strudel Breakfast Muffin right from your very own oven? You can prepare the batter in the muffin tin the night before and simply pop in your oven in the morning, or you can prepare in advance and just heat up quickly in the microwave (if you prefer your muffins warm).

P.S. They are also great as snacks, even unheated, any time of the day. Enjoy! Keeping our bodies in shape is hard work… and, yes, it absolutely does mean making sacrifices when it comes to the foods that we choose to eat! However, the key is to still enjoy the foods that you love by simply recreating them into a healthy version. Ingredients Topping 1/3 cup whole rolled oats 2 tsp. coconut oil 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 TB granulated stevia (or your favorite sweetener) 2 TB vanilla whey protein powder How to Prepare 1.

More Like This. Baby Tiramisù Recipe. Blueberry-Coconut-Macadamia Muffins Recipe. Breakfast Blueberry-Oatmeal Cakes Recipe. Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe: Thick N' Chewy. Coffee Panna Cotta Recipe. From EatingWell: March/April 2011 Panna cotta (“cooked cream” in Italian) is a silky-smooth dessert that works beautifully with the flavor of coffee. The sauce was inspired by café brûlot, the New Orleans classic coffee drink spiked with flamed brandy. Cooking for teetotalers? Use brandy extract in the panna ­cottas and omit brandy (and flambéing) from the sauce.

Garnish with chocolate-covered espresso beans, if desired. Easy Microwaved Mug Cake Recipes. Flourless Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Glaze. Frosted Pumpkin Cupcakes. Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating, Healthy Cooking. Lava Rocks Recipe. Lemon-Cranberry Muffins Recipe. Low-Calorie Muffin Recipes & Low-Calorie Scone Recipes. Lusciously Nutty Holiday Logs Recipe. Maple Pudding with Quick Praline.

Oatmeal Breakfast Cake. If you’re tired of the same old oatmeal for breakfast, then I have a treat for you! Sometimes a little variety is all that we need to keep from getting worn out from eating the same foods day in and day out! One of my favorite variations on the standard bowl of oatmeal is to treat myself to my Oatmeal Breakfast Cake. It is absolutely delicious. The walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, and allspice combine to give it a warm, vibrant flavor while the protein powder and stevia add just the right amount of sweetness.

The beauty about this cake is that you can make it and easily take it with you on the go for the rest of the week. It also freezes wonderfully. Enjoy! Keeping our bodies in shape is hard work… and, yes, it absolutely does mean making sacrifices when it comes to the foods that we choose to eat! Ingredients How to Prepare 1. NUTRITION DATA Per serving (recipe serves 6): 305 calories, 19 grams protein, 30 grams carbohydrates (3 grams fiber), 12.5 grams fat More Like This. Old-Fashioned Lattice-Top Apple Pie Recipe. One Nutty Date Recipe. Our Most Popular Pudding and Custard Recipes - Desserts. Peanut Butter Chip Chocolate Cookies Recipe - Puffed Cherry Pancake Recipe. Pumpkin Oatmeal Almond Cookies. Once again, I found myself having a major sweet tooth.

Normally, I am not a sweets girl, but this pregnancy has me consistently craving a little something sweet when the afternoon rolls around! Rather than grabbing something I may regret later, I am experimenting with different recipes to satisfy my sweet tooth, yet don’t leave me feeling guilty! With pumpkin season in full swing, I thought a pumpkin oatmeal cookie creation would be perfect! This simple recipe came out perfect and was just what I needed. You can get creative and add to them to make them more festive, but even just this simple recipe is sure to satisfy! Gina’s Pumpkin Oatmeal Almond Cookies Ingredients 2 cups oatmeal 1/2 cup almond flour (almond meal) 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree 1/3 cup no calorie sweetener such as baking stevia 1 egg white 1 whole egg 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp baking soda Directions 1.

More Like This. Pump’d-Up Banana Cakes. What’s better than banana bread? Pump’d-up Banana Cakes! Why? Because you still get all the flavor of banana bread, without the excess calories, sugar or fat. I added pumpkin to make these cakes even more moist with the added benefit of extra fiber. Keeping our bodies in shape is hard work… and, yes, it absolutely does mean making sacrifices when it comes to the foods that we choose to eat! Ingredients 1 cup oat flour (or you can use regular oats and grind them into flour) 2 TB coconut flour 1 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. sea salt 1 TB cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 8 packets stevia (or your favorite sweetener) 2 large bananas 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1 cup egg whites, lightly beaten 1/3 cup no-sugar-added applesauce 1 TB vanilla extract How to Prepare (so simple!)

1. NUTRITION DATA Per cake (recipe makes 6): 140 calories, 8 grams protein, 24 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram fat, 4 grams fiber More Like This. Quick Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes Recipe. Strawberry-Orange Muffins Recipe. Upside-Down One-Bowl Apple Cake. Малиновый тарт с маскарпоне - Пошаговый рецепт с фото. У меня тут есть для вас парочка рецептов с малиной. Первым будет умопомрачительно вкусный тарт со сладкой песочной основой, нежным кремом из маскарпоне и сливок и свежей ароматной малиной. Разумеется, этот тарт - сезонная выпечка, т.к. без свежей малины его не приготовишь, к сожалению. Поэтому ловим момент - и наслаждаемся. По этому же принципу можно приготовить тарт со свежей черникой или ежевикой - просто замените одни ягоды на другие. Ингредиенты на форму 23-26 см: Для основы: 50 г сахара 100 г сливочного масла 1 ч.л. ванильного сахара 1 желток 220 г муки Для крема и верха: 115 г маскарпоне 60 г меда 1 ч.л. ванильного сахара 60 мл лимонного сока 180 мл жирных сливок (от 30% и выше) 250 г малины быстрозастывающее желе для торта (по желанию) Готовим тесто.

Добавляем желток, взбиваем до однородности. Формируем из теста диск, заворачиваем в пленку и отправляем в холодильник на час. Остывшее тесто вынимаем, раскатываем и укладываем в форму. Готовим крем. Отдельно взбиваем сливки. Творожный пирог с персиками и меренгой - Пошаговый рецепт с фото. Ну что? С клубникой мы пока благополучно попрощались, сейчас начинаем баловаться со всякими прочими сезонными фруктами и ягодами. Приличные персики еще только начинаются, но я уже испекла с ними отличный творожный пирог. Персики на него я покупала три раза - первые две партии я нечаянно съела до того, как дело дошло до выпечки, а вот третья как раз и пошла в дело.

Ну не могу я устоять перед спелым сочным фруктом. Кстати, этот пирог - хороший вариант для завтрака - берите на заметку. Ингредиенты на форму 26*36 см: Для теста: 350 г муки 180 г холодного сливочного масла 50 г сахара 3 желтка щепотка соли Для творожной массы: 900 г творога (9-18%) 100 г сливочного масла комнатной температуры 3 ст.л. кукурузного крахмала 3 яйца 150 г сахара 1 ст.л. ванильного сахара сок половины лимона Для меренги: 3 белка 200 г сахара 6 средних персиков 1 ст.л. сахара Готовим тесто.

Перемалываем до состояния влажной крошки. Заворачиваем в пленку и кладем в морозильную камеру на 30 минут. Сверху кладем персики.