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Google+, comment bien régler ses paramètres de confidentialité. Google+ veut concurrencer Facebook sur le terrain des réseaux sociaux.

Google+, comment bien régler ses paramètres de confidentialité

Le site de Mark Zuckerberg a souvent été pointé du doigt pour son manque de transparence quant au respect de la vie privée et au partage des informations, ce qui nous avait poussés à l'étudier en profondeur dans un dossier complet. Power Searching with Google is back. Cross posted from the Inside Search blog If you missed Power Searching with Google a few months ago or were unable to complete the course the first time around, now’s your chance to sign up again for our free online course that aims to empower our users with the tools and knowledge to find what they’re looking for more quickly and easily.

Power Searching with Google is back

The community-based course features six 50-minute classes along with interactive activities and the opportunity to hear from search experts and Googlers about how search works. Beginning September 24, you can take the classes over a two-week period, share what you learn with other students in a community forum, and complete the course assessments to earn a certificate of completion. During the course’s first run in July, people told us how they not only liked learning about new features and more efficient ways to use Google, but they also enjoyed sharing tips and learning from one another through the forums and Hangouts. Sauvegarde incrémentale et automatisé de votre compte Gmail.

Les prophètes du Web avaient prédit la fin des mails avec l'arrivée des réseaux sociaux.

Sauvegarde incrémentale et automatisé de votre compte Gmail

Force est de constater que la messagerie électronique "classique" est toujours bien ancrée dans les moeurs. Pour une utilisation personnelle, la messagerie GMail de Google fait office de leader sur le marché. J'ai personnellement plus de 3 Go d'archives de mail sur mon compte personnel. Bien que très stable, le service de Google n'est pas à l'abri d'une perte de vos précieux messages. Nous allons donc voir dans ce billet comment conserver une archive locale de votre compte Gmail en utilisant le logiciel libre GetMail. La procédure suivante va nous permettre de faire une sauvegarde incrémentale (seul les nouveaux messages sont téléchargés) d'un compte Gmail accessible via le protocole IMAP sur une machine Debian Squeeze (mais la procédure est la même sous Ubuntu). On commence par installer le logiciel: sudo apt-get install getmail4 En utilisant les commandes suivantes: chmod 700 ~/.getmail/ 3G Version of Google's Nexus 7 Is Coming Soon [REPORT]

Rumor has it we’ll be seeing a 3G version of Google’s Nexus 7 tablet in the coming weeks.

3G Version of Google's Nexus 7 Is Coming Soon [REPORT]

MoDaCo reports that a “very well-placed insider” has indicated that a 3G version of the pint-sized tablet is in the works, and will be launching in around 6 weeks. Under the hood nothing is expected to change about the tablet except the inclusion of a 3G radio, which would allow it to connect to cellular networks for data in situations where a Wi-Fi network is not available. Apple is rumored to be announcing its own miniature tablet, dubbed "iPad mini" between mid-September and early October. If the rumor is true, then a 3G Nexus 7 launch in 6 weeks would likely put the tablet competing toe-to-toe against Apple's newest offering. Google Apps Experts: Celebrating My Birthday with Google Apps. Google Apps Learning Center v4.

Google +: 10 bonnes raisons de laisser tomber Facebook. Google+, le réseau social développé par le géant de la recherche en ligne, soufflera bientôt sa première bougie.

Google +: 10 bonnes raisons de laisser tomber Facebook

Un an après son lancement en grande pompe, le réseau social de Google peine encore à trouver sa place sur un marché déjà monopolisé par les poids lourds que sont Facebook et Twitter. Alors pourquoi switcher aujourd’hui ? Google+ peut-il vraiment remplacer Facebook ? Et surtout, que peut-on y faire ? Ne bougez pas, les réponses sont juste là ! 1. G Serve Cairo Egypt. Google Cloud Platform. Google makes Map Maker social with support for Google+ sharing. Google has made the process of editing a map a little more social with the addition of Google+ support for its Map Maker tool.

Google makes Map Maker social with support for Google+ sharing

The new feature lets you share any edits you've made to a map or reviews you've written with people in your Google+ Circles, who can then comment on the post to make the editing process a bit more collaborative. "By sharing your map edits and reviews with people connected to you on Google+ who may be regional experts or know about a particular area," says Google, "you can both enjoy a shared interest and improve Google Maps. " The Map Maker tool lets users practice digital cartography by editing existing maps with places and roads, and you can also review edits made by other users.

The new sharing feature is live now. Google Map Maker adds Google+ sharing, spurs on communal world building. Google Map Maker users can now share their maps via Google+ Those of you who build and tweak your own maps via Google's Map Maker can now share them with your circles on Google+.

Google Map Maker users can now share their maps via Google+

Any maps that you share via a post pop up on your Google+ profile, visible to the folks who follow you. They can then see your map and comment on it, according to the latest info from the Google Maps team. Grooveshark Makes Up With Google - Is It Too Little Too Late? After a 16-month ban, controversial music streaming service Grooveshark is back on Google's Android platform.

Grooveshark Makes Up With Google - Is It Too Little Too Late?

The shift represents a change of luck for the beleaguered company, who eagerly announced the news via email last night. Are things finally looking up for Grooveshark, or has the streaming music market moved on without it? The company apparently managed to convince Google that any piracy being committed in its name was done via third-party "rogue apps," which let users do less legally defensible thing like actually download the streaming tracks. Grooveshark says it worked with Google have such apps removed. It's an interesting move for Google to make, since the search giant has been working to ingratiate itself iwth content owners, even going so far as to factor copyright complaints into its search algorithms.

Google+ Launches Tools for Businesses. After a private beta test period, Google is releasing on Wednesday a suite of business tools for Google+ users.

Google+ Launches Tools for Businesses

The tools are available for free through the end of 2013, but users will then need a paid subscription to Google's cloud-based software for businesses, Google Apps, for continued access. Here's a rundown of the new features: Private sharing. When you create a post, you can now label it as "restricted. " This will limit its visibility to those inside your organization (plus a few external partners if you so choose), and can't be re-shared with anyone on the outside.Administrative controls. Super guide gmail partie. 9 Gmail Plugins to Revive Your Productivity. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

9 Gmail Plugins to Revive Your Productivity

For years, Gmail has dominated as the standard — even to the extent that the web savvy crowd tends to think less of people who use a more archaic email service, a phenomenon known as domain discrimination. The rationalization goes, why would you keep using a limited email interface when there's a better product out there? Along those same lines, your Gmail might be outdated if you haven't tried some of these handy plugins. Mashable rounded up the best here, which are each available to install as a Chrome Extension, and a few are available on Firefox as well. If you've already tried these, tell us your verdict in the comments, and feel free to suggest plugins we might have missed! 1. Install [Website] 2. If you access Gmail in a browser window, you're in the same cloud-centric boat as most people. Install [Chrome] 3. Power Searching with Google – Inside Search – Google.

Web Toolkit.


App Engine.