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AKA the Dexterous Diva. Director of @cherry_sorbet, designer, writer, blogger. Twin mumma. Endo warrior. Team Bangs 2 member; runner, doer, thinker.

Dexdiva : #giveaway... Instagram. Bloggers tips and tricks. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

bloggers tips and tricks

Thanks for visiting! Welcome to my little instagram photos creativity challenge! I love hearing how other bloggers and online writers find ideas for their posts, and I am running a little competition to share some of the blogging love. via the medium of lovely imagery. So, here is the deal. I will be giving away: ❤ 2 Rockstar VIP Packages, comprising of 1 hour one to one Skype with me + membership to the VIP bloggers group + my Skillshare class enrolment (total worth £135 each). ❤ 2 VIP packages including membership to the VIP bloggers group + my Skillshare class enrolment (total worth £85 each). ❤ 4 Skillshare class enrolments So, how do we do it?

The competition will run for 1 week, from Friday 18th October until Friday 25th. ❤ Post an instagram photo showing us how you think of your blog post ideas. . ❤ Use the hashtags #dexdiva & #blogtips and post your instagram images of how you come up with ideas. Dexdiva : Instagram creativity challenge... Instagram. Device Gives Users 'Electric Pokes' When They Waste Time On Facebook. Sick of wasting time on Facebook, Robert R.

Device Gives Users 'Electric Pokes' When They Waste Time On Facebook

Morris and Dan McDuff, two Ph.D. candidates from MIT, have decided to create a keyboard accessory which helps them be more productive. Inspired by a man who paid someone to slap him every time he looked at Facebook, the “Pavlov Poke” sends out a mild electric shock to the user every time he is distracted from his work by social media. Named after the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov, who used a similar method in experimenting with dogs, the device has helped Morris get out of the “weird hypnotic trance” that he lapses into while surfing Facebook.

Although this device raises controversy, Morris maintains that it is more of a design project rather than a panacea for social media addicts. These innovators believe that a “serious discussion” about communication technologies is needed, and perhaps, people will come up with less drastic ways to cope with social media addiction. Watch the video to see this accessory in action. [via Oddity Central] : The Artist’s Way for Parents. Ever since a dear friend and former MA tutor told me about The Artist’s Way , I have been a Julia Cameron fan and follower. If you don’t know it, The Artist’s Way is a 12 week creative recovery programme, and a step by step course to re-ignite your sense of self, spirituality and well being in a creative paradigm. (Anyone who has done my free Idea Generation for Bloggers e course knows how much I love it, and I talk about it too in this post on generating offline post ideas and here in my round-up of 12 essential, inspiring books. ) I have completed programme in it’s entirety twice, each time leading to life shifts, unlocked creativity and synchronicity – it really is powerful stuff.

As part of my re-connection with myself of recent months , I have been re-discovering the artist in me, something I have found healing, calming, and exciting. Instagram. Let's Be Flexible (Rather than Rigid or Chaotic) Untitled. Blog tips linky party – July. My work is about helping people work in smarter, creative ways + getting their message out to the world via killer content—blogs, copy, images + social.

Blog tips linky party – July

I am a designer, writer, blogger, mentor, author, creativity addict + prolific geek. You could call it a portfolio career of multi-potential multi-passions. Megster8 : @dexdiva new notebook, as... Idea Generation and Creativity for bloggers. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Freelance Working Mum Survival Guide e course. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Freelance Working Mum Survival Guide e course

Thanks for visiting! The role of a freelance or self employed working mum is a complex one. As mum of twins, owner of two businesses and professional time and job juggler, in this e course I bring you my expert tips, case studies and resources in an especially designed e-course. The course is delivered via email 3 days per week over 6 weeks, allowing you time to work at your own pace, build on the techniques and put them into practice. The content includes: • Workflow building and technical aids and apps. Creativity Course Comp. Idea Generation and Creativity for bloggers. 30 new days of creativity in May. 30 new days of creativity in May. Mf. Serialising content on your blog or website is a really great way to inspire readers to come back for more.

For example, the fabulous Marie Forleo of Rich, Happy and Hot and B School fame sends out a weekly blog on Q&A Tuesday; I not only come to await the email pinging it’s way into my Gmail app, but have often pre-empted it by checking her YouTube Channel in advance. Stalker-ish? Yes. Keen? Blogging Tips: Serialising Content. Ask the readers: unblocking creativity. Here on Dex Diva I am fascinated by creativity and it’s place in our lives, businesses and, of course, blogs. The blogging frame of mind. / Twitter. Freelance Working Mum Survival e course. Home. Cybher 2012. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Cybher 2012

Thanks for visiting! On Saturday 12th May I presented to a room of delegates at Cybher and was not even there. Go technology. Go amazing co workers. Last September I was introduced by a mutual friend to the lovely Sian To, who was organising the first ever all inclusive women’s blogging and social media conference - Cybher. Tweetdoc. Endometriosis UK. Dexterous Diva. INK361 - A web interface for Instagram and so much more.

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Idea generation and creativity for bloggers #2

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