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Exponential Thinking (Peter Diamandis) - Exponential Finance 2014.


Âdeta Dörtnala | Atlar, Atçılar, Atlılar… CREATION. Burcuk. Videos on the People, Issues, and Ideas Changing the Planet. Superhappiness ? Transhumanism. Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of developing and using such technologies.

They speculate that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1] History[edit] According to Nick Bostrom,[1] transcendentalist impulses have been expressed at least as far back as in the quest for immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as historical quests for the Fountain of Youth, Elixir of Life, and other efforts to stave off aging and death. First transhumanist proposals[edit] Frankenstein complex. In Isaac Asimov's robot novels, the Frankenstein complex is a term that he coined for the fear of mechanical men. History[edit] The name, "Frankenstein Complex", derives from the name of Victor Frankenstein in the groundbreaking novel, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in about the year 1818. In Shelley's story, Frankenstein created an intelligent, somewhat superhuman being. He finds that his creation is horrifying to behold, and he abandons it.

This ultimately leads to Victor's death at the conclusion of a vendetta between himself and his embittered creation. Note the distinction between "Frankenstein" the creator and Frankenstein's monster: a Frankenstein complex is not a fear of roboticists, scientists, or even mad scientists, but rather, a fear of artificial human beings, although fear of one generally implies some fear of the other. The general attitude of the public towards robots in much of Dr. See also[edit]


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