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Don’t Drop the F-Bomb…And Other Good Social Media Advice « Merriam Associates, Inc. Brand Strategies. “Don’t use the F-Bomb” is a seemingly common sense rule when using social media for corporate purposes. But, common sense is not as common as you might hope. A purported social media expert working for a leading social media agency tweeted this for Chrysler: “I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the Motorcity and yet no one here knows how to fucking drive.” If a pro can make such a big mistake, how can you protect your brand when your employees tweet and post on your brand’s behalf?

While you can’t create common sense through policy, it does make sense to provide guidelines. A social media policy does more than make clear what mistakes to avoid. Here are some basic points to cover: Make sure people know they are personally responsible for what they write. The Social Media Governance Web site has an impressive library of real social media policies from many different types of companies. Twitter alerts via email. #mohd - What the Hashtag?! Viewpoint Magazine.


7 billion people and you: What's your number? Sources: All population data are based on estimates by the UN Population Division and all calculations provided by the UN Population Fund. The remaining data are from other sections of the UN, the Global Footprint Network and the International Telecommunications Union. Want to find out more? Visit the UN Population Fund's detailed population calculator, 7 billion and me. Notes on the data: Only birth dates after 1910 can be accommodated and only countries with populations of more than 100,000 people are included. Three country groupings - developed, developing and least developed - featured in the conclusions are those referenced by the UN for assessing the Millennium Development Goals.

Read the answers to frequently asked questions here. PostSecret. The Top Rule for Hot Bloggers: Hold the Hype. The 21st century has given rise to a new form of status anxiety that comes with an ambitious individual's realisation that they do not appear in the top 10 after launching a web search for their name. Likewise for corporations in the competitive quest for profile, being relegated to the second, fifth or 15th page of search results is a cause for concern and typically prompts an urgent call to the search engine optimisation experts. Launching a blog is the perfect way to take control of those top 10 web search results, suggests Brian Giesen, regional director of Ogilvy 360° Digital Influence, a consultant network of social media marketing and communications experts.

Giesen says boosting web exposure is just one of the numerous benefits of blogging done well. However, first-time bloggers need to be aware of the pitfalls. "The biggest danger is launching your blog and being really active for the first couple of weeks but then losing momentum," Giesen says. Publishing with Purpose. Periodic Table of QR codes. Documentary Pitching Competition - ABC TV Arts. ABC TV Arts, Entertainment & Comedy and ABC TV Documentaries (Science) will finance the development of a Science and Arts documentary project to the value of AU$10,000 in a pitching competition at the AIDC, February 20-22, 2008. The collaboration between these two highly divergent cultures is now a dynamic area of practice. Increasing numbers of artists and scientists are exploring each other's ideas, materials and working methods. Artists are inspired by science and technology as well as providing fresh critical viewpoints of the consequences of new knowledge. The artistic impulse is itself an area of research by scientists.

Proposals from science and arts filmmakers that are interesting innovative formats are welcomed. We would like to receive applications that demonstrate new thoughts or new concepts on how a convergence of arts and science could be expressed on television.