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Poetry Month Resources. WonderHaikuWorlds. Haiku Missionary: An Annotated Response to Alan Watts’ “Haiku” - Graceguts. The sea darkens, The voices of the wild ducks Are faintly white.

Haiku Missionary: An Annotated Response to Alan Watts’ “Haiku” - Graceguts

In the dark forest A berry drops. Computer sonnets. Computer-written sonnets How can the purple yeti be so red, Or chestnuts, like a widgeon, calmly groan?

Computer sonnets

No sheep is quite as crooked as a bed, Though chickens ever try to hide a bone. I grieve that greasy turnips slowly march: Indeed, inflated is the icy pig: For as the alligator strikes the larch, So sighs the grazing goldfish for a wig. Oh, has the pilchard argued with a top? Say never that the parsnip is too weird! Haiku generator. Issue 1 Fall 2008.