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Livermore's mysterious lightbulb burns 110 years. Some mysteries never dim with time. One of them is hanging from an electrical wire in Livermore. At Livermore Fire Station No. 6 is a lightbulb that has not burned out in 110 years. Nobody, even in this golden age of technology, knows why. And no one wants to unscrew the bulb to find out. "It still gives that warm, comfy glow," said retired Livermore fire Division Chief Lynn Owens. "In this transient modern world, this lightbulb is really something you can trust.

The lightbulb is about 3 inches long and slightly rounder than a modern lightbulb. Its workings may be a mystery, but it's probably the most well-documented lightbulb in history. At the time, lightbulbs - at least practical ones that lasted more than 12 hours - had been around for only about 20 years. Between 1901 and 1903, the then-60-watt bulb was moved to a firehouse on Second Street, and then to a new station on First and McLeod streets. For the next 71 years, the bulb languished in anonymity. "At first it didn't go on. 100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body – Global One TV: Multimedia for Mystics. The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered.

Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever wonder how you can react so fast to things around you or why that stubbed toe hurts right away? It’s due to the super-speedy movement of nerve impulses from your brain to the rest of your body and vice versa, bringing reactions at the speed of a high powered luxury sports car.The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb. The cartoon image of a light bulb over your head when a great thought occurs isn’t too far off the mark. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping.The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Hair and Nails Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. Internal Organs Bodily Functions. Cutest Spelling Of "Penises" Ever. The 17 Greatest Love Notes From Kids. 21 Animals That Have No Respect For Authority. 24 Things You Should Know Before You're Allowed To Go Out To Eat. 7 Young Congressmen And Their Favorite Cartoons As Kids. Woman Dressed As Hulk Suspected In McDonald's Assault. 33 Super Cool Popsicles To Make This Summer. 13 Versions Of Internet Hell. 21 Awkward Moments That Artists & Illustrators Recognize. What Happens When You Leave Your Phone Number On The Internet. Deathvalleysky_nps_big.jpg (JPEG Image, 4000 × 1290 pixels) - Scaled (25. Spray-On Bandage Closes Even Serious Wounds Instantly. The Mass Effect video games are full of awesome things, but one that we desperately wish we had is Medi-gel.

This in-game substance heals wounds instantly, which we’d love to be able to do in the real world. Two students are making this video game fantasy a reality by inventing their own real-world version of Medi-Gel called Veti-Gel. It’s made of plant-based materials which form a sort of artificial skin tissue when applied to a wound, no matter how large the wound might be. The video below shows the salve’s power as it is applied to a piece of raw pork that’s been filled with blood. Caution: the video is kind of disgusting and contains a lot of blood. Veti-Gel works by sealing off the wound instantly and promoting rapid clotting and healing.

Fit for Starfleet: Microsoft's Patent for a Real-Life Holodeck In Star Trek, the holodeck was a place to experience otherwise-impossible places and situations - and soon, we might have the technology to let us do the same. DXM Stories. What is DXM? At dangerously high doses dextromethorphan can have dissociative effects. Since the 1950s dextromethorphan (DXM) has been used primarily as a safe and effective cough suppressant ingredient and is found in many over-the-counter cough medicines. When taken according to directions, products containing DXM produce few side effects and have a long history of safety and effectiveness. Unfortunately, some people are abusing DXM by using these medicines at doses that exceed their safe and effective levels – possibly causing serious damage to their bodies. They think that because DXM is usually found in over-the-counter medicines then it must be harmless; just an easy and safe way to get high.

When abused, DXM can cause serious damage. What are the effects of DXM abuse? The effects of DXM abuse vary with the amount taken. Can you die from this? Yes, in large enough quantities, DXM can suppress the central nervous system which could directly result in death. What does it look like? Second Chance at Sight: Artificial Retinas Restore Vision. Restoring vision to the blind has long been a seemingly unattainable goal for the science and medical fields. We may now be very close to attaining that goal based on the findings from a study being conducted by MIT. Their artificial retina project is helping to give sight to participants all over the world by implanting electrodes in the eyes that will act as artificial retinas.

The project is aimed at people who lost their sight through progressive conditions such as macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa. (images via: New York Times) The retinal implant won’t provide participants with perfect vision; rather, it lets them see pixelated shapes in greyscale. Mind-controlled prostheses offer hope for disabled. “We want to galvanize people’s imaginations,” says Miguel Nicolelis, the Brazilian neuroscientist at Duke University who is leading the Walk Again Project’s efforts to create the robotic suit. “With enough political will and investment, we could make wheelchairs obsolete.” Mind-controlled leg armor may sound more like the movie “Iron Man” than modern medicine. But after decades of testing on rats and monkeys, neuroprosthetics are finally beginning to show promise for people. Devices plugged directly into the brain seem capable of restoring some self-reliance to stroke victims, car crash survivors, injured soldiers and others hampered by incapacitated or missing limbs.

A sip of water Nicolelis is a pioneer in the field. In the 1990s, he helped build the first mind-controlled arm. In that project, an electronic chip was embedded in the part of each rodent’s brain that controls voluntary muscle movements. Counting on the brain The more neurons, the better. Quietest place on Earth mutes all sounds, messes with your head | Unplugged. TVアニメ「ローゼンメイデン」PV [Rozen Maiden 2013] DesUltimate - 527 DEATH combo. Yousei Teikoku - Gothic Lolita Doctrine [ Intro HD ]

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