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Brioche rose aux pralines roses pour octobre rose {recette- blogueuses en faveur de la lutte contre le cancer du sein. Brioche rose aux pralines roses pour octobre rose {recette- blogueuses en faveur de la lutte contre le cancer du sein} Je ne sais plus comment ça a commencé, mais aujourd'hui une belle brochette de blogueuses s'apprête à innonder vos écrans de rose !

Brioche rose aux pralines roses pour octobre rose {recette- blogueuses en faveur de la lutte contre le cancer du sein

J'aurais presque bien aimé de manière méga-mégalo que cela soit pour moi Rose, cela voudrait dire qu'il n'y pas de cancer du sein. Mais voilà, le fait est qu'aujourd'hui une femme sur 8 risque est touchée par le cancer du sein. Une femme meurt d'un cancer du sein toutes les 53 minutes. 52000 nouveaux cas en 2010 et cela touchera une femme sur 7 d'ici 20 ans. Sale bête ! Ok alors on peut faire quoi ? On peut aussi soutenir la cause en achetant l'Agenda des Chefs créé par Olivier Chaput en 2010. Recette de Cupcakes au citron et crème de citron. Recette antigaspi: le bodding ou pudding au pain. Voici une recette que j’aime et pratique depuis mon adolescence: le pudding au pain.

Recette antigaspi: le bodding ou pudding au pain

Au départ, je l’ai découverte dans le rayon boulangerie d’un supermarché qui recyclait de cette façon ses viennoiseries invendues. Le principe est simple: c’est un gâteau réalisé à base de restes de pains. Je réalise toujours cette recette « au pif », mais pour vous, j’ai trouvé plusieurs recettes qui aideront ceux qui préfèrent ne pas cuisiner au feeling! Chocolate swirl buns. A few years ago, I conquered one of what has to be one of the seven wonders of my culinary world, chocolate babka.

chocolate swirl buns

Babka, if you’re new to it, poor you, is a brioche-like sweet yeast cake, usually rolled thin and spiraled around a filling of chocolate, cinnamon, sweet cheese or fruit, and is often studded with streusel. And I know that most people save their gushing prose for lemon meringue pie, 8 inches high, or brownies with swirls of peanut butter, candied bacon and candy bars inside, I know that most people hadn’t heard of babka before it became a punch line, but Alex and I fondly remembering the grocery store chocolate babkas — with endless spirals slicked with bittersweet chocolate — of our childhood and I couldn’t rest until I cracked the code at home.

But it still has its limitations. I found the solution to this crisis — are you allowed to call the irregular appearance of homemade chocolate babka in your life a crisis? Probably not. Glazed Madeleines. No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls. No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls If cinnamon rolls were kinder to my thighs and my love handles, I’d surely bake them often and nibble little cinnamon roll nibbles until my heart was content.

No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon rolls are a rather huge favorite of mine. My grandma Billie used to make the best cinnamon rolls ever, and I certainly use her recipe whenever I’m up for making a yeast version of these things. This non-yeast version is one that is plenty acceptable for a cinnamon roll, and it’s kind of a cool option for those who fear baking with yeast: No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls I baked mine in a muffin tin… for no particular reason except that I just wanted to keep them intact and not spreading out all over Kansas and Oklahoma. These lovelies are made just the way a regular cinnamon roll is made. The dough is very soft to work with. A peek at the roll. Recipe for brown sugar and walnut puff pastry swirls. Wrap the most humble pantry ingredients in a sheet of puff pastry, and what comes out of the oven will look as glamorous as a movie star.

Recipe for brown sugar and walnut puff pastry swirls

And if, like me, you don't make your puff pastry from scratch, the most difficult part of creating a great dessert will be waiting for the pastry to defrost. My husband Ted and I raided the pantry one Sunday afternoon to put together a filling for these flaky brown sugar and walnut puff pastry swirls. A bit of lemon zest balances the sweetness, and if you have almonds or pecans in your freezer, go and ahead substitute for the walnuts. Figure on two or three per person. Really fun to make with kids, these sweet puff pastries are dressy enough for any dinner party, yet easy enough for weeknight treats, too. Grandma Billie's Cinnamon Rolls. DOUGH: 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup milk 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast 1/2 cup warm water (105 to 110 degrees F) 3 large eggs 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon salt 5 to 6 cups all-purpose flour FILLING: 3/4 cup butter (1 1/2 sticks), softened granulated white sugar light brown sugar Ground cinnamon GLAZE: 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted 1 to 2 Tablespoons milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1.

Grandma Billie's Cinnamon Rolls

In a small saucepan, heat shortening and milk until shortening is melted. Remove from heat and let sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes, or cooled off to lukewarm. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. *The temperature of the water to mix with the yeast is important. Cinnamon toast french toast + book preview. Guys, I wrote a cookbook.

cinnamon toast french toast + book preview

When I was 32 weeks pregnant in the summer of 2009 (in fact, this was overflowing on my kitchen counter during my first meeting across town) and should have been doing normal third trimester things like eating jars of Peanutella by the spoonful and repainting the baseboard trim (which still looks awful, not that this will surprise you), I instead decided that I really wanted to write a cookbook. Because new mothers are swimming in free time (“new babies are always sleeping!”) , I thought I would finish the book in six months; nine, tops. Stop laughing. Quit it. Two and three-quarter years later, the “baby” is 2 1/2, I am the proud owner of 2 1/2 gray hairs and, oh, right: The book is done. First, this above? The book has a back cover too. There’s so much more. And as of today, the book is officially available for preorder from just about every online seller: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | Indiebound | Powell’sOther U.S.

Sweet Pretzels.