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Crea un huerto urbano con repelente natural para plagas incluido. Sabemos que la naturaleza sin la intervención de agentes externos (como el ser humano) se encuentra en un completo equilibrio.

Crea un huerto urbano con repelente natural para plagas incluido

Cuando somos nosotros lo que organizamos, por ejemplo un huerto de hortalizas, no sabemos muy bien cómo disponer este paraíso a escala. Lo que debes tener claro es que debes replicar un Edén natural para que las especies no se vean afectadas. Sabemos por ejemplo, que cuando hacemos un huerto debemos apelar al "multicultivo" y mezclar los vegetales de una manera tal que no compitan entre sí por los nutrientes de la tierra ni la luz. Pero también hay que agregar flores y hierbas, ya que los colores y los aromas también cuentas para recrear un hábitat saludable.

Incluir flores amarillas o naranja, como las caléndulas o las tagetes patula que controlan los gusanos del suelo, y el aroma de sus hojas aleja a los insectos. Pon atención: Lavanda: Se utilizan las flores como hormiguicida.Romero: Repelente de insectos en zanahorias y repollo. ¡Manos a la obra! GeoCiclos. Sowing Seeds for Winter. Now that it is getting cooler it is time to start planting our winter veggies!

Our little garden has been pretty much left to its own devices ever since I planted our first lot of vegetables in spring, but I’m determined to get more on top of things and grow more of our own food. Our garden isn’t ready for direct planting yet, so today Katie and I planted some seeds in little pots that we made out of toilet rolls. Even though Katie and I see each other every day, sometimes we get so caught up in the busyness of every day life that we forget to really see each other. Making these little pots and planting seeds was a lovely way to quietly spend half an hour together, without distraction.

It was also a nice way for me to show Miss Black Thumb how just fun and easy gardening can be! In a week or so, we should have little seedlings of climbing beans, snow peas, broccoli and cauliflower to admire. About Reuben Reuben is a crochet man and has a knitting machine for a brain. True Blue Me & You: I'll Try Not to Waste Our Time. DIY: Vertical Herb Garden. As promised, here is the step by step of how I made my own vertical herb garden.

DIY: Vertical Herb Garden

I started with supplies I picked up at Lowes (plants being the only exception). I used: 1 wood planter box, 1 pre cut board (24x48), 3 pieces of precut 2x1 trim (2 48in long and 1 24in long), nails, glue, 1 brick, screw in hooks, 9 small terra cotta pots, soil and plants. Trim out the big board using glue and small nails (since I bought precut, I didn't have to use the saw but if you are using scraps, you'll have to cut to size first). Place the brick into the planter and sit the big board on top. Screw the big board into the strongest part of the planter. Spraypaint in whatever shade floats your boat.

Now that your planter is ready, its time to drill a hole in those terra cotta pots. Plant to your hearts desire. Finally, I added the names of the herbs using a paint pen on the board. I liked it so much I made two. Do you have any backyard projects you want to share?