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Language Arts, Literature, English, and Writing

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Grammar Practice Park. Discovery Education: English & Language Arts Homework Help. — Interactive Writing and Grammar. Educational Enrichment Resources. Bookopolis. WritingFix: prompts, lessons, and resources for writing classrooms. Fun English Games for Kids - Free Teaching Resources Online.

Homework Center: Writing Skills. VocabAhead Vocabulary. Amazing Kids! Magazine. Learning English is fun, easy and simple. Inklewriter. Online Etymology Dictionary. TheGrammarheads. Ultimate Guide to Creative Writing Resources for Students. Creative writing: that's my thing.

Ultimate Guide to Creative Writing Resources for Students

I love to teach it, I love to do it, I love to read about it. Creative writing often gets shoved aside, playing second fiddle to report and essay writing. I hear parents lament often that "My kid hates to write! " But the vast majority of kids do, in fact, like to write. They just may not know it because they have only known the world of report writing. Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity. Free English Course Books. EasyBib: Free Bibliography Generator - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles. Citefast automatically formats citations: APA 6th edition, MLA 7th ed. and Chicago 16th ed. Sentence Diagramming. Since part of the writing process involves editing our work, we need to know how to recognize complete thoughts and how to vary our sentence structure.

Sentence Diagramming

This makes our writing more coherent as well as more interesting to read. Understanding the functions of parts of the speech in a sentence and their relationship to one another can be very helpful in learning to construct good sentences. A sentence (to be a sentence) at the very least must have a Subject (noun or pronoun) and a Predicate (verb). The remaining words in a sentence serve to describe, clarify or give us more information about the subject or the verb. A diagram arranges the parts of a sentence like a picture in order to show the relationship of words and groups of words within the sentence.

Step #1 Look for the VERB in the sentence. Aunt Polly punished Tom for ditching school. Tom started a fight with the new boy in town. Try these: Tom’s friends were painting the fence for him. Step #2 Step #3 Find the DIRECT OBJECT. Daily Grammar Archive - Comprehensive archive of all of our grammar lessons and quizzes. This archive contains links to all of our free grammar lessons and quizzes.

Daily Grammar Archive - Comprehensive archive of all of our grammar lessons and quizzes

You can use this archive to study Daily Grammar at your own pace. Lessons 1-90 cover the eight parts of speech, which are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Lessons 91-300 cover the parts of the sentence, such as appositives, predicate nominatives, direct objects, prepositional phrases, clauses, and verbals. Lessons 301-440 cover the mechanics of grammar, which is also known as capitalization and punctuation. Our lessons have been organized by lesson number and by subject. Web English Teacher. Literature Study Guides - SparkNotes. Top 10 Novelguides. Free Study Guides for Shakespeare and Other Authors. Book Summaries, Test Preparation & Homework Help. Guidelines for Reading and Analyzing Literature.

Literature is classified by genre (type or kind). Although critics disagree on how to define and label different genres, the three basic forms of literature are prose, drama, and poetry. Most works we read as literature are imaginative (fictional), but some nonimaginative (nonfictional) works are read as literature as well. Understand what you read. OWL - online writing lab. Coming Soon: A new look for our same great content! We're working hard this summer on a redesign of the Purdue OWL. Worry not! Our navigation menu and content will remain largely the same. If you are having trouble locating a specific resource, please visit the search page or the Site Map. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.

For more information about services for the Purdue University community, including one-to-one consultations, ESL conversation groups and workshops, please visit the Writing Lab site. Public Speaking: The Virtual Text. A+ Research & Writing. Getting started with Englicious. Welcome to Englicious Englicious is a brand new online library of original and innovative English language teaching resources closely tailored to the New 2014 UK National Curriculum.

Getting started with Englicious

The site focuses on the teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG), but includes a host of additional materials for teaching other areas of the English language. Englicious will help your students: learn about English grammar in a fun way, using interactive online resources, including exercises, projects and games, all of which can be projected onto an interactive whiteboarddevelop their literacy skills, with a focus on spelling, punctuation and writingstimulate their enjoyment of (using) language, both in spoken and written formenhance their confidenceimprove their test scores, especially the Year 3 and Year 6 SPaG tests Englicious offers teachers: We offer hundreds of materials with a clear method for exploring them to find just the item you need for your classroom.

How can I access Englicious? NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program. Study Guides - Classic Stage Company.