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Wissensmanagement + Systemtechnik + Seminare + Projekte (Prof.St. The Mozilla Museum. Note: this site hasn't really been worked on after 2000.

The Mozilla Museum

Netscape is history, but I will always remember it as a pioneer in browsing. Welcome to the Mozilla Museum (or the Mozilla zoo, if you prefer). It is a collection of pictures of Mozilla painted by Vincent van Mozh. Mozilla was the mascot of the Netscape company in the early days; he gradually went away, because he was scared of the pinstriped suits.

Legal note: Netscape does not condemn or approve these pages, but those pictures are probably copyrighted by them. 3-D Drawing and Imaging Software Information. If you run a software development or engineering business, you have to use 3-D drawing and imaging software.

3-D Drawing and Imaging Software Information

Many companies from various sectors use this type of software to help them solve problems. There are many benefits you can reap from using 3D drawing software. A good example of where 3D imaging provides solutions is in the oil and exploration field. Corporations use 3D imaging software to pinpoint the areas where oil is located. Semiotic Terms. Free Flash Templates. Gonca Uncu, the AD Bakery, advertising designer, Art director. PULSIONS INCONSCIENTES - AOKIGAHARA JUKAI - La Forêt Maudite. Aokigahara: The Sad Sea of Trees. Axe-7 Search: Annuaire de recherche. Earthoid by BuildaSearch. Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception. Essential Links - - Metaportal to the Internet. FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail.

20 Amazing Tree Sculptures For Nature Lovers - Green Diary. Uprooted trees lying here and there might not interest anyone.

20 Amazing Tree Sculptures For Nature Lovers - Green Diary

But with a stroke of artistry, these can be transformed into fabulous works of art. Since it requires a lot of hard work to make them well turned out, the acceptable masterworks are vocal enough to express their agony, relief or derision for what they have been morphed into. Just scroll through the wonderful sculptures after the break and try to infer the seemingly melancholic message. Image. Map of Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images. Liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine. Serious game sur la sécurité des données en entreprise. Tags: CEFAC | Formation Sécurité | Jeu vidéo sécurité | Sécurité informatique | Sérious game Formez vos salariés à la sécurité informatique !

Serious game sur la sécurité des données en entreprise

Le CEFAC propose en 2010 un ensemble de formations innovantes en e-learning et par le biais de serious games. Le serious game (ou « jeu sérieux) est « une application informatique qui combine une intention sérieuse, de type pédagogique, informative, communicationnelle, marketing, idéologique ou d'entraînement avec des ressorts ludiques issus du jeu vidéo ou de la simulation informatique. » : bonnes pratiques e-learning, outils gratuits. Boda Lip Dub - Pump It. D r a g o n b o n e s     -         fantasy gaming, art, and tut. Telecharge gratuitement les videos Youtube, DailyMotion en MP3,

Kalibre 35 - 2000. Base de Français Médiéval — Old French Corpus. - Create Your Own TV Channel. Classement des blogs francophones ayant le plus d'abonnés. Mozilla Firefox. Actualités des derniers jours Honduras : mise à jour 11 mars 2016 - Le Honduras est le pays le plus violent du monde, hors zones de guerre.

Mozilla Firefox

Les militants écologistes sont particulièrement visés. 111 d'entre eux ont en effet été assassinés depuis 2002 ! Dernière en date, Berta Cáceres, militante des droits humains des Amérindiens et écologiste, assassinée chez elle le 3 mars 2016. Annuaire Yagoort pour le Webmaster. Film Network - Browse. OpenDOAR - Home Page - Directory of Open Access Repositories. Mindmapssdessinssscréativitééémémoire.

English Russia » Kuntz-Kamera of St. Petersburg. Posted on June 27, 2007 by “Kuntzkamera” it’s a museum in St.

English Russia » Kuntz-Kamera of St. Petersburg

Petersburg. It’s a really strange place, was founded by Russian Tsar Peter the First. He collected different weird stuff all over the Russia to this museum: freaky people and animals preserved in alcohol, torture instruments, strange paintings and much more. Here are photos from that place. 10 Manliest Guitars ever - (cool guitars) The Wangcaster: a guitar with balls The manliest guitar of all time.

10 Manliest Guitars ever - (cool guitars)

Show your virility on stage with the legendary Wangcaster. It started out as a Cort Stratocaster copy, but the hormones were too much for this baby. The body is made out of Cherry wood, headstock is maple. Angel Sword Guitar: plays Iron Maiden songs, slays teen pop stars O Lord, bless this thy Angel Sword Guitar, that with it thou mayst blow Christina Aguilera and A-HA and Ricky Martin and Enrique Iglesias to tiny bits, in thy mercy.

Gun Guitar: Play and Kill at the same time Play and kill at the same time with the Gun guitar. Familles de bruitages. Gif-creation gif avec TonGif : gif animés à l'image de ton blog. Places and Spaces. Dark Stories - Paranormal et histoires macabres. Recits insolite. DIY: Wine Bottle Light « Wit & Whistle. November 3rd, 2009 This past spring Daniel and I went on a road trip from San Francisco to the Grand Canyon.

DIY: Wine Bottle Light « Wit & Whistle

Along the way we stopped at Chateau Julien for a wine tasting. I wanted to do something with the empty bottle instead of throwing it in the recycling bin. Page d'accueil de la Bibliothèque numérique mondiale. Ouvrez la cage aux oiseaux. Notre pratique de la technologie n’est pas neutre.

Ouvrez la cage aux oiseaux

Mais alors, pas du tout : un processus de transformation sociale révolutionnaire réunit, au sein de, des individu·e·s ayant une volonté commune de critiquer en actes et d’anéantir tout dispositif de pouvoir. Ultraportable.