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Butter and Cheese

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Homemade Yogurt 101. {Paneer} Simple Homemade Frying Cheese. Back in the day when we lived in the country and had milk goats, I used to make different kinds of soft cheese on a regular basis.

{Paneer} Simple Homemade Frying Cheese

The easiest of the cheeses was paneer, an Indian frying cheese used in curries. How to make cottage cheese. One tomato, two tomato. Cow Milk Feta Cheese Recipe By Tammy Kimbler Ingredients: 1 gal whole cow milk (Use the freshest local and/or organic.

One tomato, two tomato

Cheesemaking – what to do with all that whey? - FARMcurious. Look at all that delicious whey!

Cheesemaking – what to do with all that whey? - FARMcurious

You’ve conquered your demons and made cheese- good for you!! (If you haven’t yet made cheese, join one of our classes in SF & Oakland or check out our home cheesemaking kits – you won’t regret it). Now you find yourself with a pound of delicious homemade cheese and three quarts of whey! What to do with all that protein-rich goodness? First, some things to know about whey: Whey is milk with the fats and solids pulled out (the solids are now in your cheese). However, the most valuable ingredient in whey is the whey protein. In the early days of large-scale cheesemaking, cheesemakers would have to be creative to find uses for their whey. Before too long, the protein industry became so huge that it nearly overcame the cheesemaking side of the business.

That said, you’re probably not going to sell your three quarts of whey to a protein bar manufacturer. Yes WHEY! A Bunch of Uses For Extra Whey « Well Preserved. Nic cooks » Making Cheese at Home #4 Queso Fresco. Queso Fresco means “fresh cheese” in Spanish. It is a cheese used in Mexican cuisine but also found all over Latin America. My research tells me it is often used to crumble on top of dishes, as the Italians use Parmesan or used as the stuffing for quesadilla’s and peppers. I have to say, I didn’t set out to make this cheese for the finished product; it was more that I wanted to take my cheese making skills to the next level in my self guided learning.

This cheese involves cutting the curd – an important stage in the cheese making process that can make or break the final product. If the curd is not set enough and does not provide a clean break, the end product will not be solid enough, and disintegrate (sadly I learnt that lesson first hand). The other reason to make this cheese was for the pressing. Finally, this is also a good cheese to practice all of these skills with a relatively quick turn around.

Hungry tigress » buttermilk ricotta: I bet you thought you heard the last of my year’s supply of butter-making didn’t you? Yup, you thought i went through all that buttermilk and used up every last drop of cream too even, right? Think again. 8 gallons of cream and 2 gallons of buttermilk goes a long way for 1 catty pilgrim. Homemade Mascarpone Cheese. I met mascarpone later in life.

Homemade Mascarpone Cheese

I knew about it, sure. I had witnessed people swooning, waxing poetic over its creaminess and delicate flavor. But I never really understood all the fuss. To me, this cream cheese from the Lombardy region of northern Italy tasted like a pale imitation of the familiar cream cheese of my childhood. Adding to its faults, it was hard to find in my local stores, and I couldn’t figure out why people pronounced as marscapone when it was clearly spelled mascarpone. A few years ago, in an adventurous mood, I decided to give mascarpone another chance. Homemade Goat Cheese- Inspired by CHARCUT. A few weeks ago, Robyn, Chris, and I attended a cooking demonstration put on by former Top Chef Canada contestant (2nd runner up), and co-owner of outstanding Calgary restaurant CHARCUT, Connie DeSousa.

Homemade Goat Cheese- Inspired by CHARCUT

What I’ve Learned While Making Cheese. As you would know from my Harmonious Belly Facebook page, I’ve embarked on a cheese making project.

What I’ve Learned While Making Cheese

It’s one of those things I promised myself I’d explore in the new year, and I’m really glad I kept that promise. It, among all my recent projects, has been the most humbling. How to Make Ghee. - Clean. Ghee.

How to Make Ghee. - Clean.

Simple as can be, but wonderful beyond description. Made from butter (just butter!) , ghee is my favorite fat for any high-heat application. Unlike butter, olive oil, or coconut oil (our other go-to fats) it has a high smoking point and so can tolerate the high heat of sauteing or stir frying. Ghee also provides lots of wonderful nutrients (like the X-factor, or vitamin K2) for healthy teeth and bones. Ghee is made by heating butter to remove the moisture and milk solids and it a solid at room temperature.

Begin with your butter. Homemade Organic Cultured Butter. Recently, when I made homemade creme fraiche, I figured why not make my own cultured butter, too.

Homemade Organic Cultured Butter

Butter made by first allowing heavy cream to culture naturally has a rich and complex flavor, and it’s really quite easy to prepare. Using the best quality cream (definitely organic, and raw if it’s available to you) results in the best quality butter. Keep in mind that butter made from the cream of pastured/grass-fed cows contains vital nutrients, including the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, and E. This cultured butter recipe begins in a very similar fashion to the homemade creme fraiche. You start by stirring a couple of tablespoons of cultured dairy (I used organic plain yogurt, but you could also use buttermilk) into your cream… …then allow it to naturally ferment for about 12 hours at room temperature.

Hungry tigress » cultured butter (and crème fraîche): …the butter chronicles continue. i am happy to report that sore shoulders (me) churner’s elbow (M) and one broken lehman’s best butter churn later, M and i have buttered our way through 8 gallons of cream!

hungry tigress » cultured butter (and crème fraîche):

(if you need to catch up start here) it’s a vat o’ crème fraîche. do you know how hard it is not to just stick your face into a vat o’ crème fraîche when it is sitting on your kitchen table? I do. cultured butter (and crème fraîche) you get crème fraîche by mixing in half the amount of cultured buttermilk to cream. cultured buttermilk is the kind you can typically find at the market or farm stand – or directly from the farmer. remember to source it and the cream well because this is the glorious stuff that cultured butter is made of! Farmer’s Cheese Fresh From Your Kitchen. Before the age of mass distribution and consumerism, dairy farmers started making cheese to preserve excess milk.

Farmer’s Cheese Fresh From Your Kitchen

Farmer’s cheese was one of the first, and arguably the easiest, they likely made, which is probably why this type of cheese has a wide-ranging culture and long history around the world under a wide variety of names such as chevre, paneer, Neufchatel, and Queso Blanco. Foolproof Homemade Yogurt: Science, Techniques, and Troubleshooting. Homemade yogurt, including Greek-style, is one of the easiest things to make, not to mention that it is 50% cheaper and incomparably fresher and tastier than any store-shelf brand. Yet, for those who haven’t tried it, the process can often be shrouded in mystery and fear. In reality, however, making yogurt is really straightforward if you understand what it actually is and what makes it succeed or fail. What is Yogurt? Yogurt is made by fermenting milk with the help of particular lactose-loving bacteria. These bacteria consume lactose – the sugar in the milk – and excrete lactic acid as waste product, which is responsible for both the tart flavor and the thickening by acting on the casein protein in the milk.