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Visual Bakery - Ollis DNG Thumbsnails x64. Pick Parts, Build Your PC, Compare and Share - PCPartPicker United Kingdom. Utilities - MAGIX Online World. How to Turn Your Computer Into the Ultimate Remote Access Media Server. Golf clap for this article. "clap, clap. " Nicely done. Key points to be emphasized: a) Running a server on many "home" ISP connections may be against the Terms of Service in your ISP contract. Minor use probably won't be noticed. b) Using plain FTP (port 21) is crazy even with a password, unless you are publishing all the content for the world to have. If you want don't want to share it all, use SFTP-based connections.

C) VNC (any form) is not encrypted. D) If you are using HTTP, you probably plan to allow the world access to your files. E) Only ssh/sftp (port 22) out of all the choices in the article above, should be used externally. F) If you do open any external ports, make your life easier and on the outside, use a non-standard port and let your router forward to the internal "standard port" for your.