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Learn the Basics of Photoshop: The Complete Guide. Creating an Urban-Style Piece of Artwork. While grunge has its origins in the 90s, recently the style has been gaining in popularity once more. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a dirty, urban-style image using both well-known techniques as well as a few new ones. You will learn to easily extract complex shapes and we will also create our own grunge texture. What We're Making This is the final image we will create: Preparation This tutorial is very stock-heavy. Step 1 Before we start with the stock, we will quickly create a texture for later use. So create a new document.

Add a new layer and go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Now again, add some noise by going to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use the previous settings. Step 2 Now use Filter > Brush Strokes > Splatter with Spray Radius = 20 and Smoothness = 5. Step 3 Go to Select > Color Range, choose Highlights, hit OK, and you will see that random areas in your texture are now selected. Step 4 You can do that by using the Pen Tool (P). Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10. How to make a see-through to image text effect in Photoshop. This is a really simple trick to creating an ordinary photograph with some text into an engaging image. I also have a GIMP version! See-Through Text Effect in Photoshop 1. Starting Open your chosen image in PhotoshopNow, add a New Layer – Fill with a colour that matches:I used a Dark Blue: 1a2932 Starting-Photograph and Colour (Click to view larger) 2.

Grab the Text Tool – make a text box, same size as imageType your ‘text’ in capitalsSettings: Font: Gill Sans Ultra Bold, Size: 720px, Justify: Right, Spacing: 600, -100, (Dependent on image size, mine is: 4592×3506 pixels)Space out your text best as possible, as shown:Click the image to check settings: Adding Text (Click to view larger) 3. Now on Text layer, go Right Click –> Rasterize Layer Then, go Select –> Color Range… Click on text, with 0 Fuzziness: Selecting Text (Click to view larger) 3.b. Add Vector Mask 3.c. Create Clipping Mask on Photo 4. Deleting Text (Click to view larger) That’s it! Download the PSD! Written by Mike. How To Learn Photoshop In 24 Hrs » Design Reviver. Quite a bold statement, Learn Photoshop in 24 hours. Its simple and you can. Stepping into Photoshop at first can be quite daunting, were do you start?

With these 20 tutorials we have given you some direction, you will start of with some very basic techniques and build towards the more advanced. By the end of it you will be an expert. Tutorial 1:Combining Two Photos for New Effect – Basic Tutorial running time : 10 minutes. We’ll start with something basic.

Tutorial 2:Grass Texture – Basic Tutorial running time : 15 minutes. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a nice-looking grass texture. Tutorial 3:Underwater Effect – Basic In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an underwater scene from scratch, using Gradients, Transform and Filters. Tutorial 4:2d Mirror Effect – Basic In this tutorial you will learn how to Duplicate, Flip Horizontally/Vertically, Feathering and Blending.

Tutorial 5:Sony Ericsson Logo – Basic Tutorial running time : 20 minutes. This Isn't Your Mother's Tango: Katerina Bodrunova Makes a Splash. Dancing a proper tango is hard enough on land, but these dancers make it look effortless, despite the fact that they are fully submerged. Though I was not able to find out how Russian photographer Katerina Bodrunova pulled off these remarkable images, the emphasis should be on the beauty of the series, rather than the clever logistics behind her method. Bordunova is reportedly a self-taught photographer whose bio states that she seeks to “deft conventional physics and show [my] subjects as weightless objects with an ability to transcend space and time.” Even though they are weightless in the water, the dancers must remain buoyant long enough to strike a pose, and the intensity seen in their faces and within the language of their perfectly angled bodies is striking.

Since 2009, Bodrunova has garnered an impressive list of international publications and awards for her work. Share With Your Friends. Making Complex Selections in Photoshop - DesignFestival » For Web Design Trends. Making precise selections in Photoshop is an essential skill that every designer needs.

As a print designer, you will find yourself using selections to remove objects from their background to place within ads. As a web designer, you might extract an image and place it on a website with no background. If you are a photographer, you might make a selection to remove blemishes or other unwanted features from an image. You can’t get around it; everyone uses selections, and if you make excellent selections, you’ll end up with excellent work. So, what do you do when you have something that is extremely difficult to select with normal selection tools? Even with the masking and channels, you can’t make a precise selection consistently. You can try the quick selection tool, which does a great job of making a selection of the bulk of the image, but making a more refined selection is difficult with this method.

In comes Refine Mask to the rescue. We can fix this by using the Smart Radius Slider. Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words. I love Photoshop techniques that offer all kinds of possibilities for experimentation—and the following tutorial is a perfect example of one of those techniques. In this issue, we’re going to take a portrait and replace the person’s image with text (think 2009 Grammy posters).

Pick a portrait that offers good contrast—a photo that’s very dramatic and dark probably won’t work as well. I’ve had the best success with straight-on head and shoulder shots, but again, feel free to experiment with all types of photos. For the best results, choose a photo that has a light background (or select the background around the person and make it lighter). Create a new document (File>New) in a size that’s smaller than your photo: the specifics don’t really matter. Switch back to the photograph. Then, press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to copy the selected pixels onto a new layer. Go back to the Select menu and choose Color Range again. Click the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. Photoshop Tutorial: Learn Basic Photo Editing to Enhance Colours/Light/Contrast. Hi everyone! Here is a tutorial I've been working on for anyone that is new to photo editing.

I wanted to show you two very easy ways to dramatically enhance the colours, contrast and light balance in your photos. I work in Photoshop, but I think that the methods I show would be fairly similar in other photo editing software. So, if you look at the image above, you can see how much you can improve photos that come out a bit dull and dark, but this is also a great way to make good shots stand out even more! I am going to use this photo to show you the technique. The first thing I always do with a new photo is to adjust the Levels. You can find the levels under Image/Adjustments/Levels, or press ctrl+L, or apple+L on macs. When you have opened the Levels window you'll see this black "mountain". Click OK. Now we are going to enhance the contrast further and make the colours really pop. When you have your new layer, click on the menu where it says "Normal" and change it to "Screen". I need....