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Teacher's Corner: Teaching Grammar for Communicative Competence. Топ 15 приложений для запоминания английский слов - Все Курсы Бай. Топ 15 приложений для запоминания английский слов Изучение английского языка возможно превратить в увлекательное занятие.

Топ 15 приложений для запоминания английский слов - Все Курсы Бай

Мобильные приложения позволяют выучить термины уделяя обучению минимум времени заменив рутинный процесс интерактивной игровой формой, позволяющей отслеживать личные успехи, достижения и динамику усвоения пройденного материала. Все Курсы Бай предлагают ознакомиться с топом мобильных приложений, которые помогут выучить новые английские слова. Simpler Сервис превращающий процесс обучения в увлекательное занятие. ReWord Приложение содержит категории с тысячами слов и словосочетаний, используемых для уникальной методики запоминания руководствуясь кривой забывания Эббингауза. Duolingo Обучение построено на принципах игры способствуя лучшему усвоению материала. Flashcards Изучение построено на словарных карточках, содержащих пример изречения, его аудио сопровождение носителем языка, транскрипцию, соответствующую визуальную картинку и пример употребления в приложении.

Десять эффективных форматов диктантов для урока английского языка. Недавно я опубликовал запись «Четыре игры для уроков английского языка», вызвавшую добрые отзывы в соцсетях, а также у участников вебинаров для учителей английского языка, которые я проводил на основе этой записи.

Десять эффективных форматов диктантов для урока английского языка

Одним из заданий, представленных в записи, был “Бегающий диктант” (Running Dictation). Несколько лет назад диктанты почти перестали использоваться на уроках английского языка, но сейчас к этой хорошо забытой технике улучшения английского языка начинают вновь возвращаться учителя по всему миру, что меня, честно говоря, радует.

Сегодня я расскажу о возможностях использования старых добрых диктантов при обучении английскому языку в современном мире. Сразу оговорюсь, что в записи речь пойдёт не только о новых формах диктантов на занятиях по английскому языку, которые отличает скорее игровая форма, но и о вариациях академических форматов диктантов. Analysing the task requirements. Free Word Games Maker Online. The following list is yet another excellent resources for ESL/EFL teachers that will surely increase student engagement in the class. I am talking about easy-to-use, free word games generator online where teachers can easily create vocabulary games for review or warm up activities.

I chose these websites because they focus only on one or two games thus they are specialized, very user-friendly and so convenient to use that you will be done making your games in seconds! If you are not familiar with these warm up games, you may check out this post. Free Word Games Generator Spelling City. 6 tips for moving your teaching online - How do you adapt your teaching techniques for the virtual classroom? - Oxford TEFL.

Have you ever thought of teaching online?

6 tips for moving your teaching online - How do you adapt your teaching techniques for the virtual classroom? - Oxford TEFL

Adding this skill to your teaching repertoire can open up a host of opportunities for you, from additional work to starting your own business. You could also vastly improve your chances of finding teaching work online, reaching more potential students and providing the best possible service by taking our Teaching English Online course. If you are thinking of becoming an online teacher check out this article and see what’s involved in adapting yourself and your teaching techniques to online teaching. 1.

Working with the webcam. 7 Classroom Management Techniques That Really Work. When you watch a teacher with great classroom management techniques, it can feel like magic. The reality is, classroom management can be learned. Reading about classroom management, asking other teachers what they do, and even talking with your principal about what they have observed can help. 101FreeTechTools. Language Games for Teaching and Practicing Vocabulary. Topic: Language games Skill: Vocabulary Grade: Primary or Young Learners.

Language Games for Teaching and Practicing Vocabulary.

Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning. Games provide language practice in the various skills – speaking, writing, listening and reading. They create a meaningful context for language use. Here I am going to describe a few games to teach and practice vocabulary. 20 interactive teaching activities for in the interactive classroom. Interactive teaching is all about instructing the students in a way they are actively involved with their own learning process.

20 interactive teaching activities for in the interactive classroom

There are different ways to create an involvement like this. Most of the time it’s through teacher-student interactionstudent-student interactionthe use of audio, visuals, videohands-on demonstrations and exercises You encourage your students to be active members of your class, thinking on their own, using their own brains, resulting in long-term memory retention. Not only the students' knowledge will improve, but their interest, strength, knowledge, team spirit and freedom of expression will increase as well. In this blog post, I wall talk about the use of interactive methods for teaching, encouraging more dedication towards the lesson material. Ready? 3 Effective interactive teaching strategies to encourage speech in your classroom First, I want to put some activities in the spotlight. 1. 2.

Interactive brainstorming is mostly performed in group sessions. 3. 4. Effective Microlearning Design: 7 Critical Characteristics. Language Games for Teaching and Practicing Vocabulary. Free Word Games Maker Online. Classroom Screen: Fun & Free Teacher Tools. I’ve been using Classroom Screen since 2018 and I’m definitely in love with this simple yet super useful teacher resource for some fun in my class! This fantastic tool was developed by Laurens Koppers, a teacher from the Netherlands, who wanted to use a free and simple tool to help his students focus more on their work. Classroom Screen has over 10 useful widgets that you can project or screen share from your computer. Absolutely Free Classroom Tools for Teachers. I want to tell you about this absolutely free classroom tools for teachers that I’ve been using called Super Teacher Tools! This useful website provides free programs to assist anyone looking for teacher productivity and classroom management materials.

The look and feel of the website may seem a little outdated but I guarantee everything is working just fine! One thing I love about this website (aside from the fact that it’s FREE!) Is that everything is pretty straightforward and you can use most of the features without having to register! End of Lesson Activities for ESL Classes. Infografiken erstellen: Diese 10 Tools helfen. Internet & Werbung. ᐅ Vokabeltrainer: Die 13 bekanntesten (und besten) im Test - 2019! ESL Activities Games Worksheets. Zeige Sequenz Einzelheiten. More Ideas for Using QR Codes in the Classroom. Jobbörse. Sie stimmen unseren Nutzungsbedingungen für die Jobbörse zu, wenn Sie Anzeigen erstellen und einsenden.


Ein Rechtsanspruch auf Veröffentlichung von Anzeigen in der Jobbörse des derdieDaF-Portals besteht nicht. Die Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH behält sich vor, jederzeit auch ohne Angabe von Gründen die Jobbörse zu schließen, Anzeigen zu entfernen oder die Nutzungsbedingungen anzupassen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es bis zu 48 Stunden dauern kann, bis Ihre Anzeige auf unserer Website veröffentlicht wird, meist aber nicht länger als 24 Stunden. Sie erhalten darüber keine Benachrichtigung!

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Gemeinsam arbeiten – gemeinsam mehr wissen?

Werkzeugkasten kollaboratives Lernen im Internet. Kollaboratives Schreiben & Wikis Archive - #pb21. Kooperatives Schreiben – ZUM-Unterrichten. Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students. Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version.

Deutsch – Klasse 6 – Top Tools for Learning 2018 – Top Tools for Learning 2018. English for Computer Science and ICT.