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Movie Trailers. Year In Review: The 11 Best Short Films of 2011. Over the course of the year, curating the Short Film of the Day feature has given me a deep and affecting appreciation of the art form.

Year In Review: The 11 Best Short Films of 2011

Before, I hadn’t given much thought to the little bastards, but the truth is that they are incredibly versatile and representative of the boundaries that film can break. They can be jokes told well or human dramas driven home. They can be a perfect bite or demand to be expanded into a full meal. They can feel classic or break out into the long, strange realm of experimentation. They are so much more than movies with short runtimes. There’s one difficulty in judging them, though. The other (small) problem is that sometimes short films spend a long time touring festivals and otherwise being unavailable online. 11. Cult Movies - Explore. The Grammar of TV and Film.

Zoom. In zooming in the camera does not move; the lens is focussed down from a long-shot to a close-up whilst the picture is still being shown. The subject is magnified, and attention is concentrated on details previously invisible as the shot tightens (contrast tracking). Classic Movies. Find the best movies by genre on Goodfilms. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) Bolagram. Critics either hold Lynch's Lost Highway to be a New Age mishmash of initiatory themes wheeling around an absurd critique of post-modern life, or they abandon critical hope in seeing the film as an exercise in noir excess -as James Naremore put it, "no other purpose than regression. . . another movie about movies.


" Slavoj Zizek has exhumed the serious and elegant stylistics behind the film to demonstrate that it is neither just an exercise nor a coded New Age manifesto but, rather, a coherent and consistent artistic account of our cultural condition. Obsessed with independent film since 1978. 'Compliance,' A Low Budget Indie, Might Be The Most Disturbing Movie Ever Made. NEW YORK -- Halfway through a special screening of "Compliance," the deeply unsettling new film from writer/director Craig Zobel, a woman stood up, yelled out, "Give me a f*cking break," and walked out of the theater.

'Compliance,' A Low Budget Indie, Might Be The Most Disturbing Movie Ever Made

As the film progressed, other women joined her. At least eight by one count, although in the question-and-answer session following the film, someone suggested that actually 10 had left during the screening. PBS Video Collection 0-A. Titles 0-A | Titles B-C | Titles D-F | Titles G-I | Titles J-M | Titles N-R | Titles S-T | Titles U-Z 21st century medicine [electronic resource] / Chedd-Angier presented by Connecticut Public Television produced in association with Scientific American magazine written, produced, and directed by Graham Chedd, Andrew Liebman, Jill Singer, Bonnie Waltch, John Angier, Sherry Lassiter.

Explores some of the remarkable frontiers of medicine, including how the computer is revolutionizing medicine, from brain surgery to phobias and gene therapy. Online video system requirements: QuickTime 7 player (or equivalent). More information on this video: Low resolution video. Medicine. OnlineMovies News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Gizmodo. ShortForm. About. The Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP) champions the future of storytelling by connecting artists with essential resources at all stages of development and distribution.


IFP fosters a vibrant and sustainable independent storytelling community, represents a growing network of 10,000 storytellers around the world, and plays a key role in developing 350 new feature and documentary works each year. DepicT! Sundance Institute. Cult Movies, Movie Reviews, Downloads. Inception Explained - An interactive animated infographic. DIY 3D Camera Rig – How to Make a 3D Camera. I may not have access to the custom-designed 3D camera rigs or $300-plus-million budget that James Cameron had for Avatar, but that shouldn't mean I can't produce my own movie with breathtaking—well, okay, at least passable—3D effects.

DIY 3D Camera Rig – How to Make a 3D Camera

True, the task may seem daunting and expensive at first. After all, the cheapest 3D camcorder on the market right now is Panasonic's $21,000 AG-3DA1, and even that requires a constellation of specialized equipment and software to deliver usable 3D footage. What's more, the gear that electronics manufacturers are just now introducing to the market to edit and play 3D content requires an almost total replacement of your existing computer and AV equipment. I don't really want to buy a new graphics card, computer screen, HDTV (which I just got, thank you very much), home theater receiver and Blu-ray player, but I do kind of like the idea of making a cheap and easy 3D action flick starring my cat. Balancing Act STEP 3: This part was tricky. 666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials.

It’s that time of year again, so we thought it was time to update last years killer feature “Horror Filmmaking: From Script to Scream.”

666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials

That’s right a sequel! This time we are narrowing the focus a bit and concentrating on the DIY (Do It Yourself) elements. Hopefully this will help you slash the budget without murdering your production values. DIY: Blood, Bullets & Stunts DIY: Stage Effects/Green Screen DIY: Digital Effects After Effects Sony Vegas. Alfred Hitchcock - The Master of Suspense. - The best place to find foreign films on the web. How to make a movie on a smartphone. Best of/Top Movie Lists. Index of motion picture terminology. Online Movies/TV.