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450 Dead Babies Found in Athenian Well Sheds Light on Ancient Greeks. The mind-bending effects of foreign accent syndrome. A little-known condition causes people to adopt a new accent – and lose a part of their identity in the process, finds David Robson.

The mind-bending effects of foreign accent syndrome

Julie Matthias’s family have a game they sometimes like to play after she comes home, disappointed, from another doctor’s appointment. During dinner, they pick a foreign accent, and challenge each other to speak in the strange voice. Candy Corn In Space. Mercury and Relativity - Periodic Table of Videos.


How Brainless Slime Molds Redefine Intelligence [Video] Gardeners sometimes encounter them in their backyards—spongy yellow masses squatting in the dirt or slowly swallowing wood chips.

How Brainless Slime Molds Redefine Intelligence [Video]

Hikers often spot them clinging to the sides of rotting logs like spilled bowls of extra cheesy macaroni. In Mexico some people reportedly scrape their tender bodies from trees and rocks and scramble them like eggs. Revelation - Bibledex. Numbers - Bibledex. Caesarea Philippi - Bibledex in Israel. Celebreth heeft gereageerd op Did people in ancient times also experience things like midlife-crisis, youth rebellion, and other "modern" social/personal problems?

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. On philosophy and friendship - Seneca, Letter 9 :Stoicism. Memory and Sleep - PsyFile. Numbers and Brains - Numberphile. Writing a PhD in a LUNATIC ASYLUM. Confessions of a Tetris Addict. Xkcd. Arble heeft gereageerd op If I was an organism in a 2D world, would there be any experiment I could conduct, in order to prove whether there is a third dimension or not? Imagining the "Zeroth" Dimension. OMG SPACE. My Solar System 2.03. Gravity. Entropy in Compression - Computerphile.