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Field Guide to the Birds on the Web. Aprender AvesdePortugal. Birds by name. Data Zone. STATE OF THE WORLD’S BIRDS Indicators for our changing world Each section introduces a number of overarching themes—supported by key messages and case studies—that together provide a benchmark against which ongoing efforts to conserve birds and biodiversity can be gauged. A key focus of the website is to raise awareness of issues relating to BirdLife’s strategic priorities, such as preventing extinctions, climate change, the marine environment, and the role of birds as indicators.

The pages under the “Spotlight” section in the left-hand navigation draws attention to many of these issues—providing links to relevant case studies within the database. The information held within the State of the world's birds database is used to develop targeted advocacy materials which support BirdLife’s involvement at events such as the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Avibase - a base de dados mundial sobre aves. Avibase - a base de dados mundial sobre aves. SEO/BirdLife. The RSPB. Listen to Nature. On these pages you will find 400 sound recordings from the large collection of the British Library Sound Archive. The Wildlife Section holds over 150,000 sounds of every animal group and habitat from all over the world. To find which sounds we have, please search our online catalogue. You can listen to any recording on the premises of the British Library, but a selection is accessible from these pages. If you want to order and use any of the sounds here, or need a sound that is not on these pages, please contact us.

Listen to the sound recordings on these pages with the Windows Media Player All recordings copyright © British Library Board. Acknowledgements. British Birdsong. BTO. .: - tudo sobre aves :. Search. Home. AmbiFalco. NHBS | Everything for wildlife, science & environment. Search for a bird by entering name, description, and keywords, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. BirdLife International - conserving the world's birds. APAA - Associação Portuguesa de Anilhadores de Aves. Sociedade portuguesa para o estudo das aves.

Aves de Portugal - O Portal dos Observadores de Aves.