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All Software Downloads - BumpTop 1.0 - 3D Desktop Zen. Free Video Converter | Convert Video Formats Free | Freemake - StumbleUpon. Synergy. 7 Reasons to Switch to the Dvorak Keyboard Layout. “Something’s wrong with your keyboard,” a friend borrowing my laptop would say. “When I type, all that comes out is gibberish!” “Nothing’s wrong with my keyboard,” I would reply with a grin. “It’s the layout on your keyboard that’s wrong!” What usually follows is a long lecture on how the Dvorak keyboard layout is better than QWERTY in every way. Click image to enlarge. My friends usually humor me — this has happened several times — but I’ll spare you the sermon and make it short. Out of the hundreds of reasons you should switch to Dr. 1.

Christopher Sholes, who invented the typewriter, found that early prototypes of his invention had a mechanical flaw: When he struck neighboring keys in rapid succession, the typewriter jammed. Good for the typewriter. 2. Typists base their fingers on the home row of the keyboard. In QWERTY, only 32% of keystrokes are on the home row. 3. Not only is Dvorak faster than QWERTY, it’s also more accurate. 4. The discomfort is often temporary. 5. 6. 7. Dr. Instant Eyedropper: Identify HTML-color code from any pixel of the screen with single-click and auto paste it to the clipboard.

HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser - StumbleUpon. Social Folders. iTools - use the best tools - StumbleUpon. - Free DNS tools - StumbleUpon.

What happened in my birth year? - StumbleUpon. 100+ awesome free and open source applications - Software - - StumbleUpon. Posted on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 at 13:05 in SoftwareIt has always amazed me quite how many incredible, varied and useful applications are available for free on the Internet. Be it free, open source, web-based or merely passive trials - the number of top quality items on offer is huge. The purpose of this list is to help people realise that the free and open source software communities are expansive and generous. In these tense economic times, raising awareness of such projects is something I'm more than happy to do.

If you feel that I've missed something good off the list, please leave a comment at the bottom - I read absolutely every one. Image, Image Editing and Graphics GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a Photoshop replacement that doesn’t have "quite" as much functionality but it’s excellent for free. - A really good, lightweight alternative to Photoshop. Artweaver - Office Audio. Oldversions of Windows, Mac, Linux Software & Abandonware Games.