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Future We Want - Outcome document. The Capitalist Threat - 97.02. What kind of society do we want?

The Capitalist Threat - 97.02

"Let the free market decide! " is the often-heard response. That response, a prominent capitalist argues, undermines the very values on which open and democratic societies depend. by George Soros N The Philosophy of History, Hegel discerned a disturbing historical pattern -- the crack and fall of civilizations owing to a morbid intensification of their own first principles. What Great Leaders Have That Good Leaders Don't. “My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach.”

What Great Leaders Have That Good Leaders Don't

--Navy SEAL Creed When you think of strong leaders, you probably think of people who are decisive, bold, confident, and fearless. Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong - Yarden Katz. An extended conversation with the legendary linguist Graham Gordon Ramsay If one were to rank a list of civilization's greatest and most elusive intellectual challenges, the problem of "decoding" ourselves -- understanding the inner workings of our minds and our brains, and how the architecture of these elements is encoded in our genome -- would surely be at the top.

Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong - Yarden Katz

Yet the diverse fields that took on this challenge, from philosophy and psychology to computer science and neuroscience, have been fraught with disagreement about the right approach. In 1956, the computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) to describe the study of intelligence by implementing its essential features on a computer.