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Manly Skills. Pants, Socks, Boots: Does the Order you Dress in Really Matter? I would argue yes, the order does matter. Something that’s been ingrained in me since my days in BUD/s is the order in which I dress. As I was getting dressed this morning, putting my pants on first, I thought I’d write about why we were taught back in the day to dress in a certain order. The reasoning is this; if you’re suddenly awoken in the middle of the night and have to move out, that muscle memory of putting your pants on first means that you’re somewhat protected from the elements if that’s all you have time to put on.

Especially if you’re going commando. Next is socks, which I feel don’t necessarily stand on their own. If you have to move out and you’ve got pants on socks on, yes there’s some protection on your feet, but it can be easier to move barefoot than it can be with socks in certain situations. With boots being the last thing on the list, you’ve got enough to be able to run, move efficiently and evade if necessary. David Guttenfelder / Associated Press. The Beginner's Guide to the Paleo Diet. So you wanna learn about the Paleo Diet, eh? Here’s the ENTIRE diet in a nutshell: If a caveman didn’t eat it, neither should you.

Now, obviously there’s more to it than that, and that’s what I’m going to cover in great detail with this article today. When you are following the Paleo Diet, you can eat anything we could hunt or gather way back in the day – things like meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds. Sorry, the pasta, cereal, and candy will have to go! Anything that didn’t exist in caveman times will not be existing on your plate or in your stomach. And instead of counting calories and perfectly partitioned portions (say THAT three times fast), you’ll be focusing on eating the right foods instead. And that makes me happy, because I hate counting calories.

I don’t like keeping track of how much I’ve eaten or obsessing over how many grams of a particular nutrient I’ve had. Grab your Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet free when you sign up in the box below: Ready? 100 Must Read Books: The Man's Essential Library. Weekly Planning: How to Plan Your Week. How to Meditate: A Beginner's Guide. How to Field Dress and Butcher a Rabbit.

Are You a Real Man or Just a "Nice Guy"? For the first 20 years of my life, my relationships fell into a similar pattern. I’d start dating a girl, we’d be amazing together, and next thing you know, I’m single again. When I entered a long-term relationship during college, I thought she was the one. Two years later she broke it off and I spent months pissed off about how it was all her fault. What kind of person would leave a man who treated her so well? Who would be so heartless to throw two years away just like that? I was so good to her and this is what I get in return? I eventually found the book No More Mr. The truth is that most “nice guys” don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. I’m here to tell you that the opposite of the “nice guy” is not a jerk, far from it.

Read the contrasting lists below and see where you fall. Note: I stumbled upon this brilliant picture which inspired me to write my own, updated version of this. The “Nice Guy”: Has low self-esteem, doesn’t value himself highly. The Real Man: How to Be a Charming Storyteller. Storytelling has been a cherished art form for thousands of years. When done right, it can win an entire group over and have a girl hanging onto your every word. Here are some of the positive effects: Make her smile or laugh so she feels comfortable around you.Create attraction by showing her interesting qualities or values about yourself.Connect with her on a personal level and cut through small talk.Encourage her to open up to you. A story is about the atmosphere you create. Really, you can talk about anything — your favorite professor, trying a new food, or a strange encounter with a taxi driver.

It doesn’t have to be over the top or dishonest to make an impression. Lead with a hook You may have a cool story, but you need to segue into it gracefully. Simply ask a thought-provoking question, relate back to her, state an interesting fact, or recount something that just happened. “Do you believe in ghosts? Most importantly, jump right into the action. Keep it short and simple Logical story: Dating 101 | The Dating Specialist. How to Compliment a Woman the Right Way. Compliments are a double-edged sword. Use them effectively and you’ll slice through meaningless chatter to create deeper connections. Use them poorly and you’ll chop yourself down into a chump stump. Nobody wants that. Why should you compliment well? Displays confidence.

The mindset behind a great compliment Many dating gurus claim that giving women compliments is needy and weak. Are you complimenting to take value or give it? The problem is that a ton of guys give compliments with strings attached. If I compliment a girl, it’s because she’s earned it. When your mindset is right, you can compliment on her physical appearance. 4 guidelines to remember Be succinct. Successful execution and delivery Here’s a basic structure you can follow: Compliment her - “I like how independent you are.”Tell her why (qualify it) – “Not many people are so driven at a young age.”Ask a question, challenge her, or share something about yourself - “What makes you so passionate?”

Examples of good compliments: 21 Ways to Touch Her. In my last article we covered the basics of how to touch a woman. While all of that knowledge is useful, none of it means anything if you can’t put it into action. When I work with guys that have trouble getting physical, one problem always comes up: “There wasn’t a good moment or opportunity when I could’ve touched her.” There never seems to be a good time to make a move. But is that really true? Usually, the issue is that you haven’t seized the moment to create a physical connection. Low Level Touching When introducing yourself, shake hands and hold hers for an extra second.Give her a high-five in excitement.Gently touch her elbow to emphasize your points.If she’s going outside with you, you can grab her coat and help her put it on.Touch her shoulder when she is opening up and sharing something with you.When saying goodbye, give her a hug.

Medium Level Touching High Level Touching The biggest difference between a friend and a romantic partner is physical intimacy.