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In my bar - Select (The Webtender) Select the ingredients you have in your bar from this rather large list of ingredients. This list is created from all ingredients used in more than one or two drinks. When you finish your selection, go to the bottom of the page and click the "Generate List of Drinks" button. The Webtender will then generate a list of all drinks possible to make from your selection of ingredients.

If you click "Pick Random", one of the drinks you can make will be selected for you. You can also set how accurate the match should be. The accuracy is measured in number of ingredients you miss to make a drink. Use the "Save Selection" and "Clear Selection" to save the current selection or clear a saved selection.

Important: Hold down the CTRL key (Windows) or Apple key (Mac) to select more than one ingredient from the list. Home · Search · Forums · Bookstore · Barstore · Web Index · Feedback · Survey. T-Virus Antidote (Resident Evil Shot. Drunken Coffee Jello Squares. OK, kids: This is coffee. In solid form. It’s been sweetened with condensed milk and booze-ified with a healthy dose of Kahlua—then rubberized into a blissful, cocktail-hour finger food thanks to the magic of gelatin. (If you know me, you know how much I love coffee, so you can imagine how excited I was when I came across the recipe.) Now, you have to like Jello, or Jello-like food, for this to work.

If you do, you’re in for a treat. Huge thanks to The Food Librarian for sharing their deliciousness. (If you haven’t checked out the Food Librarian’s blog, you should. So, years ago, I had several meals that ended with Classic American Jello Mold Torture. This is not that jello. This jello is the short and stout cousin of Vietnamese iced coffee, that fabulous concoction of espresso and condensed milk. This is jello that you could serve to your foodie friends. This stuff is silly. The short version of the recipe goes like this That’s it. Read on for step-by-step instrux of what that looks like. Alcoholic Beverage Recipes.