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Aspects cartographie et ihm de la visualisation de l'information (sites, ressources)

Data Visualization Tools. | Data Visualizations, Challenges, Community. Yannickduthe's visualization Bookmarks on Delicious. Parsons Journal for Information Mapping > Issues. Edward Tufte amazon. edward tufte: Livres, Livres en anglais, Musique, DVD. The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press. Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Business Week as the "Galileo of graphics. " He is now writing a book/film The Thinking Eye and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity.

He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern gallery/studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms LLC. Visual Display of Quantitative Information 200 pages Envisioning Information 128 pages Visual Explanations 160 pages Beautiful Evidence 214 pages Same paper and printing as in original clothbound editions. All 4 clothbound books, autographed by author $150 Available directly from Graphics Press. Die visuelle Darstellung quantitativer Informationen, (200 Seiten), $12 数量情報の視覚的表示, (200 ページ)、$12. World Builder: the Future of Interacting with Holographic Tools. Les gazouillis du G20. Le blog de KartOO » Cartographie Sémantique & Recherche d’Inform. Knowledge Mapping - Christophe Tricot - Bienvenue sur le portail. Accueil | Onomia. Enquête de sens. Cartographie d'informations. Creaza gestionnaire de cartes heuristiques.

Software Links (InfoVis Applications) KartOO : The First Interface Mapping Metasearch Engine. : your Web navigation plan. Pikko - Vision Link - Cartographies décisionnelles.