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37 exemples de navigation unique | Pour faire suite aux articles de Frédéric “Tout savoir sur les chemins de navigation (breadcrumb)” et “Peut-on se passer des menus de navigation ?” Voici une découverte très intéressante que je souhaite partager avec vous. Il s’agit de l’article 37 Examples of Unique Navigation sur J’ai particulièrement aimé ma visite sur les trois sites suivants : pour les rolovers du menu de navigation pour les gros menus présentant les modèles de Porsches. pour l’ajout des illustrations dans le menu de navigation Et vous, quels sont vos préférés ? - Official Launch at OLA SuperConferen. Understanding by Design - News | Search. I would call it the difference between the algorithms and the synapses. “When websites prioritize search over navigation, users must invest cognitive effort to create queries and to deal with the weak implementations of site search. (…) Site search is vital and can save the day for those users who have well defined goals and a good understanding of the information space in which they are searching. However, if you’re considering pushing search on your site at the expense of navigation, think again. Navigation serves important functions: it shows people what they can find on the site, and teaches them about the structure of the search space.

Using the navigation categories is often faster and easier for users than generating a good search query. (Raluca Budiu ~ Nielsen Norman Group) Search Box  Problem The users need to find an item or specific information. Solution Offer a search From Use when Any web site that already has primary navigation. How * The search interface Offer search functionality consisting of a search label, a keyword field, a filter if applicable and a "go" button. Search -- editbox -- for/in -- filter -- Go buttonor just... -- editbox -- Go button * Presenting search results The search results are presented on a new page with clear label containing at least "Searchresults" or similar.

The number of "hits" is reported and the list of search results is organized; sorted or rated with the best matches at the top. . * Keyword matching If more than one search term is used the search engine must handle them as follows: if no special separators are used (not including the space), the search is interpreted as an OR function, the results that match both terms are listed first. Why More Examples. Refining Search | The UI Pattern Factory. Tricot André - recherche. Pattern Search [PIR - Protein Information Resource] What is a Search Pattern? Clusterflock. Search: EServer Technical Communication Library. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.

Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. 404 File Not Found: Citing Unstable Web Sources Researchers, including students, must accommodate to the mutating character of hyperlinks on the World Wide Web. A small study of citations in three volumes of BCQ demonstrates the phenomenon of 'URL rot,' the disappearance of sites cited in the sample articles.

Griffin, Frank. Aardvark et al.: Quality Journals and Gamesmanship in Management Studies Publication in quality journals has become a major indicator of research performance in UK universities. Macdonald, Stuart and Jacqueline Kam. Barker, Thomas. The UI Pattern Factory. - by Peter Morville.

Classeur : Search Patterns. Search Patterns. Enterprise Search Provider | Vivisimo, Inc. | Federated Search,