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Débora Gusson Ramos

Inception Explained - An interactive animated infographic. Rainy Mood. The 30 Best Films of the Decade. We’re all in that humanistic mode of evaluating our lives – coming up on the end of the year and the last time a zero will be the third digit on our calendars.

We’re all (from Variety to Cat Fancy) also waxing expert on what films were the best of the best of the best of the past ten years. Which is why there is an unnavigable sea of opinion polluting the internet right now. Neil and I thought, ‘If everyone else is doing it, why can’t we? And why not do it better?” You may ask (since I’m forcing you to rhetorically), “How can giving your opinion be better than everyone else’s tepid version of an almost-arbitrary-seeming list?” I’m glad you asked. Neil and I anticipated this task back in October and began planning what would become far too much work for two people who essentially sit around watching Animal House all day.

The algorithm, which we’ve nicknamed Simon, spat out just over 300 films, reducing our master list by 90%. These are The 30 Best Films of the Decade: 30. 29. 28. 26. 25. 99 songs to make your homework awesome. | 236,000+ Listens | 16,000+ Likes | evansmusic. 18 Amazing Things You Most Likely Never Get To See. Suspending Water Without a Cup Trick. Dynamic Optical Illusions - GROW ILLUSION. Stare at the center of the below illusion for about a minute. The longer the better. Then look away and watch you world melt! Press F11 to see the illusion full screen for a stronger effect! (press F11 again to return to normal browser view afterwards) Try all 8 above for different effects. As usual, each one has to be stared at in the centre for about a minute before you look away. This optical illusion (now at version 3) has been featured on the new page along with 6 other brand new illusions exclusive to Skytopia.