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Do Not Ignore Old Testament. Reprinted from: (Click here for author information.) “Thou Shall Not Ignore the Old Testament!” New Testament Verses Which Demand Following the Old Testament and Law Contradictions: I hear so many Christians now a days claim that the Old Testament is defunct for Jesus was the “lamb” to clear away its rules and regulations.

This is just another bullshit scapegoat that Christians use to ignore the atrocities and bizarre laws commanded by their god. 1) “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. 2) All of the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever. 3) Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. 3b) "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness... " (2 Timothy 3:16 NAB) 4) Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children according to Old Testament law. Law Contradictions of the Bible: Apologetics: How to Talk to an Atheist about Christianity. Domarboken – Bibeln.

Judas och Simons erövringar 1 1När Josua var död frågade israeliterna Herren: ”Vem av oss skall först dra ut mot kanaaneerna och kämpa mot dem?” 2Herren svarade: ”Juda. Jag ger landet i hans våld.” 3Då sade Juda till sin bror Simon: ”Följ med mig till det område som föll på min lott. Låt oss kämpa tillsammans mot kanaaneerna. Sedan följer jag dig till ditt område.” Och Simon följde honom. 4Judeerna gick till angrepp, och Herren gav kanaaneer och perisseer i deras våld; de besegrade dem i Besek, 10 000 man. 5I Besek mötte de Adoni-Besek. 8Judeerna anföll och intog Jerusalem. 16Ättlingarna till den kenit som var svärfar till Mose hade följt med judeerna när de drog ut från Palmstaden mot Juda öken, i Negev nära Arad. 17Juda följde nu med sin bror Simon, och de besegrade kanaaneerna i Sefat.

Josefstammarnas erövringar och motgångar 22Också Josefs stammar drog ut. 29Efraim drev inte bort kanaaneerna som bodde i Geser, utan kanaaneerna bodde kvar där bland dem. Herrens ängel i Bokim Josuas död. Substance over sweetness — another New Atheist critique gone askew : Pharyngula. Another of those common, erroneous strategies used to criticize those danged Gnu Atheists is to first invent a definition for New Atheism that the Gnu Atheists themselves would find foreign, and then to jump all over it for a prolonged period of time until they’ve convinced themselves they’ve finally defeated their nemesis. It’s the cardboard cutout tactic — it turns out that cardboard versions of us put up much less of a fight than the real thing.

I’m afraid Stephen Asma has committed the same error. He has written a long, meandering essay that accuses the New Atheists of having a narrow worldview because, he thinks, all we know about is Christianity and Islam. What about Buddhism, he asks, or animism? And then he does tell us some interesting things about Buddhism and animism, but they’re all entirely irrelevant, because he has completely missed the point.

Gnu atheism is not simply about what isn’t. Is it true? I’ve told people this many times. Seriously, it’s worse than that. Open Thread / Show #693: Jen & Tracie. As always, we air at 4:30-5:30 PM (CST) today (Sunday). You can watch live on ustream: My plan is to discuss a few of the willfully ignorant things theists say in response to discovering people are atheist activists, including statements such as "why are you so angry at god? " and "I think you're just searching for god. " Example: Person X has a loved family member who swears by a particular homeopathic doctor, who is conning them out of their money and resources and "treating" them for a dangerous and potentially fatal illness.

They should expect to get letters from believers expressing they are wrong. But I'm sure they would never expect some willful idiot will suggest that they are fighting homeopathy because they secretly want desperately to find evidence showing it really works, or that they secretly already believe it does work, and are angry about the fact it works. So, if it helps, save the link to this blog post. Is Cherry Picking a Good Thing? This is actually a question I can see both sides of, even though I know which side I come down on. And recently a fan wrote in to express the following: I'm ok with cherry picking religious beliefs in general because I think that it has helped push beliefs towards a more beneficial outcome. Today you hear people claiming that the Christian God is Love and other such nonsense, but I'd rather them intentionally ignore the bad parts in their holy book than to accept it all unquestioningly if they're going to believe in both cases already.

He raised some good points about how it's good many Muslims are moderate--and not like their more fanatical counterparts. I get the point, I really do. But here are my thoughts: This is a question with no answer. What should they do? I compared it in a recent dialog to chemo therapy. Does God Exist? Ricky Gervais Takes Your Questions. Jesus and the Law of Moses. Jesus and the Law of Moses There is much confusion rampant today regarding Christ and the Law of Moses. The expression "law of Moses" is found in the scriptures (Lk. 24: 44). Smith's Bible Dictionary makes the following observation relative to law (nomos): "The word is properly used, in Scripture as elsewhere, to express a definite commandment laid down by any recognized authority; but when the word is used with the article, and without any words of limitation, it refers to the expressed will to God, and in nine cases out of ten to the Mosaic law, or to the Pentateuch of which it forms the chief portion….The sense of the word, however, extends its scope and assumes a more abstracts character in the writings of St.

Hence, the expression "the law" or "the law of Moses" is used in the New Testament in keeping with Jewish use to denote the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible), but also to include the Psalms and the books of prophecy (Lk. 24: 44; Jn. 10: 34; I Cor. 14: 21). De tio budorden.

De tio budorden (Tio Guds bud, dekalogen) är de tio befallningar som Gud ger till Mose i Gamla Testamentet, enligt 2 Mos. 20:3-17, 2 Mos. 34:1-28 och 5 Mos. 5:6-21. En av de äldsta bevarade versionerna av budorden återfinns bland Nash-papyrusen. Vissa budord föregås av en längre förklaring, medan andra är endast rena befallningar utan förklaring. Jesus åberopade ofta budorden.

De sammanfattas där i det dubbla kärleksbudet och den gyllene regeln. När det gäller sabbatsbudet påpekade han att sabbaten var till för människors skull som en välsignelse i stället för en börda. Inom kristendomen har de ofta ansetts som en sammanställning av Guds lag, den som också finns i hedningarnas hjärtan och därför kallas den naturliga lagen. I Bibeln anges det att det var tio budord som skrevs ner på stentavlor[1]. Den katolska och lutherska grupperingen utgår från Augustinus ("Quæstionum in Heptateuchum libri VII", Bk. De tio budorden enligt bibeln[redigera | redigera wikitext] Det säger han: Vad är det? Evil Bible Home Page. Positive Atheism's Big List of Quotations. A Philosopher of Religion Calls it Quits | (A)theologies. Ny religiös rörelse lockar tusentals unga - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen - Nyheter Sport Ekonomi Nöje. Clerics salute 'brave' Pakistan killer. Jamaat-e-Islami, one of Pakistan's main Islamist political parties, also said Mr Taseer's assassination was justified.

"If the government had removed him from the governorship, there wouldn't have been the need for someone to shoot him," it said in a statement. Qadri said after his arrest that he had shot the Punjab governor for his views: "Salman Taseer is a blasphemer and this is the punishment for a blasphemer. " Pictures of his smiling face dominated the local newspapers, which questioned why five other police protection officers allowed him to pump 40 bullets into Mr Taseer's body.

Police sources also claimed that Qadri had previously been identified as a security risk because of his extremist religious views. Qadri was taken to court yesterday for a brief appearance and supporters threw rose petals, and shouted Allahu Akbar – God is the greatest – at the armoured police vehicle carrying him. William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, joined international condemnation of the killing. Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of Salman Taseer | World news.

The increasing radicalisation of Pakistani society was today laid bare when mainstream religious organisations applauded the murder of Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, earlier this week and his killer was showered with rose petals as he appeared in court. Taseer was buried in his home town of Lahore. The 66-year-old was assassinated yesterday by Mumtaz Qadri, one of his police bodyguards, after he had campaigned for reform of the law on blasphemy.

Qadri appeared in court, unrepentant, where waiting lawyers threw handfuls of rose petals over him and others in the crowd slapped his back and kissed his cheek as he was led in and out amid heavy security. The internet had already been hosting fan pages for Qadri, with one Facebook page attracting over 2,000 followers before being taken down, while there were small demonstrations in favour of the killer in north-west Pakistan. It is thought that over a dozen police officers were taken into custody following the murder. Bill O'Reilly vs. David Silverman: You Know They're All Scams. The Christian Faithbook. Att brottas med Gud | Kultur. Varje december får jag en känsla av högtidlig helighet som är omöjlig att matcha med pynt, jesusbarn, pepparkakor och granar. Det handlar om ett religiöst spår som barndomens söndagsskola plöjde upp i min hjärna. Och varje jul brukar jag läsa evangelierna och de andra historierna i barnversion för min son.

För de riktigt små är barnbiblarna oskyldigt sagoaktiga med sin knapphändiga information och glada knubbiga färgsprakande figurer. Jesusberättelserna för de minsta är ett trivsamhetens triumftåg från Betlehem till Jerusalem, där Golgatas korsfästelse ofta saknas. Lite mer detaljerade kan Bibeln funka som en främmande saga av bröderna Grimm. Visst har John Maynard Keynes rätt i att en gudsbrottning har ett intellektuellt värde, men jag vill veta hur kyrkan officiellt har tänkt att jag ska förmedla berättelserna i Barnens Bibel till min son. Att kyrkan har problem med Gud är uppenbart, eftersom boken är ett klassiskt exempel på historierevisionism. Britain has 85 sharia courts: The astonishing spread of the Islamic justice behind closed doors.

By Steve Doughty Updated: 09:25 GMT, 29 June 2009 At least 85 Islamic sharia courts are operating in Britain, a study claimed yesterday. The astonishing figure is 17 times higher than previously accepted. The tribunals, working mainly from mosques, settle financial and family disputes according to religious principles. They lay down judgments which can be given full legal status if approved in national law courts. Disputes: Islamic leaders rule on disagreements However, they operate behind doors that are closed to independent observers and their decisions are likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation, a report by independent think-tank Civitas said.

Commentators on the influence of sharia law often count only the five courts in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton that are run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act. form. The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future? (1 of 12)

20BsN.png (PNG-bild, 745x1067 pixlar) - Skalad (74. Entry Page (NEWS) Religion: respecting the minority | Editorial. Every year, researchers from the British Social Attitudes survey ask a representative sample of British people whether they regard themselves as belonging to any particular religion and, if so, to which one? When the survey first asked these questions in 1985, 63% of the respondents answered that they were Christians, compared with 34% who said they had no religion (the rest belonged to non-Christian religions). Today, a quarter of a century on, there has been a steady and remarkable turnaround. In the latest 2010 BSA report, published earlier this month, only 42% said they were Christians while 51% now say they have no religion.

Admittedly, some other surveys – including the last census – have produced different findings on these issues, usually to the advantage of the religious option. This Christmas, for perhaps the first time ever, Britain is a majority non-religious nation. What is more striking about the survey is how quickly the change has come – just a generation. 50 reasons to believe in God.

Main Page. Mythology Pantheons : Browse and search for Gods. Capitol protestor found not guilty. By Brooks Baehr - bio | email HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The head of Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church has been acquitted of a disorderly conduct charge stemming from his arrest while objecting a prayer being said at the beginning of a state Senate session in April. When Senate President Colleen Hanabusa introduced a reverend to say the invocation, Mitch Kahle stood from his seat in the gallery of the Senate chambers and said, "I object. My name is Mitch Kahle and I object to this prayer on the grounds that it's a violation of the first amendment of the constitution of the United States. I object. " Kahle's protest lasted about seven seconds. "Then what they did to add insult to injury was, they arrested him for disorderly conduct," said William Harrison, Kahle's attorney. "Their disorderly conduct (charge) was allegedly based upon his standing up and in the senate chambers and voicing his opinion, which he as a U.S.

"Number one, there was no disorderly conduct. ”Kan släppa ut onda krafter” – Det här verkar ha varit en person som varit förvirrad på nåt sätt. Han har sannolikt haft en plan som han motiverat med religiösa grubblerier. Men som tur var utfördes den amatörmässigt och inte alls professionellt, säger han. Abd al Haqq Kielan är övertygad om att en och samme man ligger bakom de båda dåden. Just det taffliga utförandet, menar Kielan, tyder på att gårdagens händelser i Stockholm inte var av samma kaliber som de terrordåd som tidigare drabbat både Madrid och London. – Det verkar som om han har agerat på egen hand. Kielan beklagar det inträffade djupt: – Det är en fruktansvärd sak, man blir verkligen chockad av att höra att det finns människor som gör sådant här även i Sverige. Han fortsätter: – Dem det skadar allra mest är oss muslimer. Kan det trigga till fler dåd? – Det kan släppa ut onda krafter. Abd al Haqq Kielan och hans förening arbetar aktivt för att söka upp de personer som skulle kunna bära på liknande tankar.