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Www3.bonn. Ich melde mich verbindlich zur folgenden Veranstaltung an: Finanzierungsinstrumente für mehr Effizienz Mittwoch, 27.


Mai 2015, 17.00-20.30 Uhr Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten von der Bundesstadt Bonn gespeichert werden und die Bonner Wirtschaftsförderung diese Daten nur für die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung speichert und weiterverarbeitet. Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung Newsletter oder weitere Informationen der Wirtschaftsförderung Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten von der Bundesstadt Bonn gespeichert werden und die Bonner Wirtschaftsförderung diese Daten zu weiteren Einladungen oder dem Versand von Informationen bzw.

Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn. d3dhemmer - KNOW-WHY.NET. Success for - iMODELER Presenter. Building a System in… by Matthias Nehlsen. This book is about building a complex system in Clojure and ClojureScript.

Building a System in… by Matthias Nehlsen

It started out as a blog series about my BirdWatch application, a side project for reasoning about a live stream of tweets coming in from the Twitter Streaming API and visualized in a web application that is written in ClojureScript. In the book, we will follow the data and watch how it is transformed in different parts of the application until it finally triggers the user interface to change within a few hundred milliseconds after a tweet has been tweeted. For now, I have only transferred the articles from the aforementioned series, but over the holidays I will work on adapting the content to the book format and also start working on new content. Please sign up as a reader for free if you think you might at all be interested in the topics that will be covered.

Later on, you can decide if you want to pay the suggested price or not. Clojure Gazette 105. Editorial Hi Clojurists, I was very pleased to find a few Clojure/conj experience reports this week.

Clojure Gazette 105

It's good to have other people's thoughts swimming around with my own as I am (still) decompressing from such a dense few days. Other than that, I'm working on some plans for next year. I want to have more interviews and more "special issues" (like the last one about Generative Testing or the recent one about Haskell). Yesql - SQL in SQL in Clojure. Fair warning.

Yesql - SQL in SQL in Clojure

This was initially a transcript for a yesql screencast I intended to do but time is dragging on and I really can't see myself getting to that any time soon.Why does this matter? Well I wouldn't be surprised if this reads pretty much like the yesql with some minor embellishments here and there (and perhaps some opinion). But I'm putting it out there just, well, just because. Thanks to the Clojure Community! Building a Mobile Game Backend with Clojure and AWS — Nuday Games. Nuday Games is a Stockholm-based game company who make a mobile game called Rock Science, a turn-based rock and roll trivia game.

Building a Mobile Game Backend with Clojure and AWS — Nuday Games

The backend is written in Clojure, and runs on Amazon Web Services. Why Boot is Relevant For The Clojure Ecosystem — Martin Klepsch. Boot is a build system for Clojure projects.

Why Boot is Relevant For The Clojure Ecosystem — Martin Klepsch

It roughly competes in the same area as Leiningen but Boot’s new version brings some interesting features to the table that make it an alternative worth assessing. Compose Build Steps If you’ve used Leiningen for more than packaging jars and uberjars you likely came across plugins like lein-cljsbuild or lein-garden, both compile your stuff into a target format (i.e. JS, CSS). Cursive: The IDE for beautiful Clojure code. Cugb/react at master · friemen/cugb · GitHub. Clojure Concurrency with core.async Videos. Meta Programming System — Language Oriented Programming environment and DSL creation tool. This is not programming, this is art - Clojure on Android. TL;DR: Clojure is ready for Android ART.

This is not programming, this is art - Clojure on Android

Are you? For quite some time I have been ignoring the latest Google's endeavor to make Android swifter. Android Runtime (ART for short) is a replacement for Dalvik, Android's older runtime. A more detailed description what it is and why it is better you can read here. On Android 4.4 KitKat ART can be optionally enabled, but starting with Lollipop ART will be the only choice. Adam Clements also discovered a bug that prevents usage of locking on Android ART. The Most Innovative Companies <=> An Interactive Guide. HTM in Clojure [DEMO #6] (2014 Fall NuPIC Hackathon) Planjure: A* and Dijkstra's in Om.

I wrote Planjure to learn ClojureScript and Om.

Planjure: A* and Dijkstra's in Om

It's a fun little program. You paint islands on a canvas and run path-planning algorithms to find the optimal path for your ship to to traverse from start to finish. Sailing across blue ocean is faster than hiking through green islands. The three algorithms implemented are Dijkstra’s, A* and depth-first. My favorite feature is Visited mode. In the example below, Dijkstra’s algorithm has to check almost every single node except the center of the island (because trekking across the island is more difficult than sailing around it). Justinmind: Interactive wireframes for web and mobile. Projects. Two Months Early. 300k Under Budget. It was a sunny Thursday afternoon.

Two Months Early. 300k Under Budget

An intrigued, but slightly dubious Technical Architect, Dan, left our ThoughtWorks presentation. Was kommt nach Clojure? wird es EVE sein? ClojureCup 2014: Impressions. Clojure Cup 2014 has finished and we've build clojure app in two days!

ClojureCup 2014: Impressions

We are proud to announce funstructor (pre-alpha) Funstructor is a turn-based multiplayer card game for clojurists. Your goal is to make some clojure code snippet, function or expression, but instead of typing characters you must use cards. Every card has unique behaviour and I suggest actually play game, instead of reading what this game is about. Tutorial might help to understand the basics. Max (frontend, javascript, design)Dima (frontend, backend, clojure, clojurescript, ops)Oleg (backend, clojure, core.async, websockets)Misha (backend, clojure, game logic, art) Cldwalker/Share. Agile learner. RxMarbles: Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables. Elm - functional web programming. Ninja-IDE, a swift open source Python editor - LeaseWeb Labs. Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE, it is a cross platform, fast and smart code warrior. Cloud IDE For Clojure. Realtime Collaboration Edit code with a collaborative editor just like Google Docs. The way you code together will never be the same again.

Run Anything We provide full virtual machines giving you the full power of terminals entirely in the browser (even sudo access!). Exploring the Multipeer Connectivity framework: Project Setup. As with every major release, iOS 7 includes many new APIs that developers can take advantage of in their applications. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at a brand new framework introduced in iOS 7, the Multipeer Connectivity framework.

This framework adds support for discovering, connecting to, and communicating with nearby services, such as iOS devices. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a simple, multi-player game using this new framework. Introduction A wide range new APIs have been introduced in iOS 7, giving developers new possibilities and opportunities. Apple Swift compiler for Windows - Software Recommendations Stack Exchange. Apple shipped Foundation and other ObjC libraries with Safari, but Safari for Windows stopped at 5.1.7. But then iTunes was rewritten to use ObjC libraries, and they are pretty available and up-to-date. There are two problems, however. First, it is not legal to bundle "Application Support.msi" (use 7zip to unpack iTunes installer, and you will find this file), but you can probably advice user to install either Safari for Windows or iTunes for Windows to make your program work.

Clojure. Swift: Einstieg in Apples neue Programmiersprache. Apples Swift im Überblick Die Idee hinter Swift ist schnell erklärt: Apple will es Entwicklern leichter machen, für OS X und iOS zu programmieren. Derzeit erweitert Swift Objective-C, mittelfristig ist es allerdings nicht abwegig, dass die Programmiersprache aus den 80ern komplett ersetzt wird. Bei Swift handelt es sich um eine neue Programmiersprache für Cocoa und Cocoa Touch – die beiden Frameworks für OS X, respektive iOS. Learn Swift - Tutorials, Code Samples, References and more! Swift Blog. Jun 20, 2016 Swift 3 and Xcode 8 Swift 3 beta was just released as part of Xcode 8 beta and includes numerous enhancements, many contributed by the open source community.

SoSoSwift - blog. July 13th, 2014. Try Swift in the Browser. SwiftStub: Online Swift Compiler. CocoaPods. Sample Code - Resources - WWDC. Brian Advent. Apple Swift Programmiersprache: Erster Blick. Beaker Notebook. Edit code/text with friens online. InterMot 2014. The Joy of Flying AR Drones with Clojure - Squid's Blog. Clojure is fun.

Flying AR Parrot Drones are fun. Put them together and there is pure joy. Ever since I found out that you could program and control your drone over UDP, I couldn’t wait to try it out in Clojure. Gigasquid (Carin Meier) Worry Dream - Bret Victor. ‎ Welcome - Polymer. Installing Polymer with Bower on OSX- Coding Color. S_O_C_I_A_L acronym. ICE to Electric Vehicle Calculator. Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized) This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category.

Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Make Java fast: Optimize! According to the pioneering computer scientist Donald Knuth, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil. " Any article on optimization must start by pointing out that there are usually more reasons not to optimize than to optimize.

Droppline music. Untangle 03. 6174.