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Parralax. - Let's get Wild. Rit Team. Ràtatattoo - Bodies Emotion Studio di tattoo & tattoo make-up a castellarnao Reggio Emilia Italy. Soleil Noir 2012 | We believe in... Media Queries. 25+ wonderful wedding websites. Being in love is great. It’s often a crazy journey where you find out much about your partner and especially yourself.

The beginnings of a relationship may be the most exciting, but once that’s all done, it’s time to take the big step; it’s time to get married! Marriage is often looked at as such a traditional thing. With the rise of the DIY bride and the modern bride, many of these traditions are being thrown out the window. Save the date and wedding announcements are often sent via mail. Wedding websites are a growing trend among modern brides. Love makes us want to shout from the rooftops! A tented affair (William and Sarah) This website for William Sarah is filled with crazy good typography. Ali & Nick This is a simple and to-the-point version of a wedding website. Amanda and Gavin Amanda and Gavin also chose a fairly simple approach for their wedding site. Anna and Rey Another beautiful and elegant, yet simple site — however my favorite part is the bridal shower page. Annie and Renje.

Joint. A new creative business in London. 20 tools to help you create responsive web designs. Building responsive design has become a huge trend in the web design world. There is a good reason for that: responsive websites are much more relevant than fixed web designs in a time where a lot of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. In this article we take a look at some of the most useful tool to help you with the creation of responsive designs. Sketching / wireframing tools First things first, responsive design need to be well-thought or you’ll get much more work than you would have otherwise. 1. A common problem you’ll run into when planning a responsive web design is to chose which devices and sizes you’ll design for. 2. Simple PDF templates to help you map out how layout sections will change in different resolutions. 3. Quickly get the CSS for creating your fluid grid website with this simple tool. 4.

ProtoFluid simplifies the development of fluid layouts and adaptive CSS using Media Queries. Responsive design elements 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Templates and grids 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 40 Great Photographer Portfolio Websites for Inspiration. Inspiration by Bill Jones 38inShare Here is a collection of fantastic portfolio web design. I think this will be worthwhile for anybody who wants to create an online portfolio for their photography and is looking for some inspiration.

As an added bonus you get to look at some amazing photography. Now who doesn’t like to do that. Jeremy Cowart Koen Demuynck Mitchell Kanashkevich Joon Brandt Frederik Clement Brent Stirton Les Forrester Alberto Ovied Ashley Lebedev Jill Greenberg Paolo Boccardi Eric Ryan Anderson Lara Jade Corey Arnold Andrew Gransden David Hill Gavin Gough Your Beautiful Photography Dimitris Theocharis Robert Dann Chase Jarvis Jonathan Glynn Smith Jan Sochor Lisa Bettany Denis Reggie Christian Oth Levon Biss Little Hellos Mark Velasquez Daniel Kennedy Photography Rinze Van Brug Emmanuel Rouzic Raven Photography Carlos Alonso Bodas Kenn Reay Jason Bell James Day Photography Evaan Kheraj David Vasiljevic What’s your favorite portfolio site?

Like Our Site? 104 Comments. 10 jaw dropping responsive landing pages. ‘Responsive’ is the latest movement in web-development – and one that’s needed pretty badly. Every day, the number of devices, platforms and browsers that are used to access the internet grows. And while the majority of users still access the web from traditional platforms, the demand for fluid and adaptive websites is stronger than ever. Many designers are taking this change to heart and creating some spectacular pieces that thrive in mobile, tablet and desktop environments. The following sites fuse beauty with responsive web design techniques and really showcase what can be achieved with a little innovation. So grab some popcorn and a notepad, you’re going to want to pay attention. When you open this site on your desktop, it’s immediately captivating. With its wide layout, the clean lines and simple structure this site is a fantastic example of minimalist web design. Again here the designer lets his work speak for itself. 20 Webdesign responsives pour votre inspiration - webdesign-inspiration. Like There Is No Tomorrow | Fragil Musique & Insula.

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Snowboarding. Webdesign : 10 exemples de sites utilisant l’effet parallaxe. Avez vous déjà vu un site utilisant l’effet parallaxe (aussi appelé urling) ? Cette technique permet de donner une illusion de mouvement lorsque l’internaute scrolle. On voit ainsi les éléments de la page s’animer et donner une illusion de profondeur. De ces sites se dégagent une réelle originalité et une expérience de navigation marquante pour l’internaute.

Je vous propose de découvrir 10 exemples dans la suite de cet article… L’effet de profondeur peut être activer soit en scrollant soit en bougeant la souris en fonction des sites, allez voir ces 10 exemples pour mieux vous rendre compte. Mes préférences allant aux sites de Mario Kart, Nike et Activate Drinks exploitant le réel potentiel de l’effet scroll. Milwaukee Police News Mario Kart Wii Nike JumpMan Activate drinks JanPloch Webdesigner Resolutionnim : agence digitale Digital Hands : Online brand communication Iutopi Egopop Ok Studio Généralement cet effet est réservé aux sites évènementiels avec peu de contenu.