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NYC BigApps Home. ¿Existe una relación entre la genialidad y la locura? No se pierda este documental. 11 Palabras Intraducibles De Otras Culturas. Nadie Puede Negar La Belleza Del Lenguaje. 62 of the World's Most Beautiful Libraries. For the last couple years, Jill Harness has been rounding up the world's most beautiful libraries by continent.

62 of the World's Most Beautiful Libraries

Here they are all in one place, in no particular order. Aside from being absolutely gorgeous, with two story dark wooden arches, this is also the largest library in all of Ireland. It serves as the country’s copyright library, where a copy of all new books and periodicals must be sent when they apply for copyright protection. The library is also home to the famous Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript created by Celtic monks around the year 800. This library, completed in 1906, is fascinating for its unique combination of architectural styles. The Codrington Library of Oxford University was completed in 1751 and has been used by scholars ever since. The National Library of France has expanded greatly since new buildings were added to house the collection in 1988. 5. Irish Whiskey – Since Way Back.

Referencias CA

{ s i n e s t e e e s i a } Ponte Rey. 1418. Synesthesia and the Poetry of Numbers: Autistic Savant Daniel Tammet on Literature, Math, and Empathy, by Way of Borges. By Maria Popova “Like works of literature, mathematical ideas help expand our circle of empathy, liberating us from the tyranny of a single, parochial point of view.”

Synesthesia and the Poetry of Numbers: Autistic Savant Daniel Tammet on Literature, Math, and Empathy, by Way of Borges

Daniel Tammet was born with an unusual mind — he was diagnosed with high-functioning autistic savant syndrome, which meant his brain’s uniquely wired circuits made possible such extraordinary feats of computation and memory as learning Icelandic in a single week and reciting the number pi up to the 22,514th digit. He is also among the tiny fraction of people diagnosed with synesthesia — that curious crossing of the senses that causes one to “hear” colors, “smell” sounds, or perceive words and numbers in different hues, shapes, and textures. Synesthesia is incredibly rare — Vladimir Nabokov was among its few famous sufferers — which makes it overwhelmingly hard for the majority of us to imagine precisely what it’s like to experience the world through this sensory lens. Imagine.


How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love. CIUDAD. El blog de Best Relations. Tener un ídolo es algo maravilloso.

El blog de Best Relations

El caso es que, a lo largo de mi vida he tenido muy pocos. Y algo tiene que ver lo que contaré a continuación con los medios sociales. Una serie de catastróficas desdichas con los ídolos ¿Ídolos en el fútbol? Nunca. ¿Qué otras cosas había? ¡Fórmula 1! Una belleza para recordar: "Alocución a la poesía" (fragmento del poema América). Andrés Bello. Orsai » Index. Joss Whedon’s Top 10 Writing Tips. Film critic Catherine Bray interviewed Joss Whedon in 2006 for UK movie magazine Hotdog to find out his top ten screenwriting tips.

Joss Whedon’s Top 10 Writing Tips

Catherine has kindly given us permission to reproduce the article here. Photo: Joss Whedon at San Diego Comic Con - courtesy of Gage Skidmore. Joss Whedon is most famous for creating Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its spin-off Angel and the short-lived but much-loved Firefly series. But the writer and director has also worked unseen as a script doctor on movies ranging from Speed to Toy Story. Here, he shares his tips on the art of screenwriting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1418. OH!NENA blog. Estilosas: Tiffany Hsu Tiffany es diseñadora y actualmente es conocida como una de las máximas “buyers” de la Boutique Feathers.

OH!NENA blog

Exposiciones - Usina del Arte. Entrada gratuita (con las visitas guiadas) Esta obra fue concebida originalmente para el evento parisino Nuit blanche de 2004 como un proyecto amplio y accesible para el público general.

Exposiciones - Usina del Arte

Cada edición se ha inspirado en la arquitectura del lugar de su emplazamiento: París, Linz (Austria) o Donetsk (Ucrania). En Buenos Aires, toma la forma de una típica fachada porteña, con sus celosías metálicas, balcones y cornisas. Fue inaugurada el 25 de mayo de 2012. Lip Tester. Activa. La Colaboradora. La Colaboradora un espacio físico de Inteligencia Colectiva donde una comunidad colaborativa trabaja en sus proyectos empresariales, sociales o creativos con el único requisito de pago de intercambiar ideas, servicios y conocimiento a través de un banco del tiempo para fortalecer la economía del don.

Activa. La Colaboradora

En este espacio se podrán desarrollar proyectos empresariales, sociales, creativos... Va dirigido a emprendedores, freelances, autónomos, ONGS, activistas, creativos, re-emprendedores... Se trata de un entorno físico P2P que combina la filosofía de las redes de intercambio entre iguales (peer to peer) y toda la intensidad del contacto humano. #Unplug: The Complete, Printable Guide. So you need to unplug.

#Unplug: The Complete, Printable Guide

You're feeling overwhelmed by your gadgets--connected to your email list but not to your personal life. It's time to take a break. It is precisely for times like these that we've created this guide to unplugging. How Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, And Maria Popova Got More Creative. "We learn, from the time we're little, the process of the scientific method--how to discover things--but we don't teach the parallel art of how to invent things," Stanford innovation scholar Tina Seelig told us, "That's one of the reasons creativity seems so mysterious.

How Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, And Maria Popova Got More Creative

MILTON GLASER ON ART, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE MEANING OF LIFE. When I was in junior high school, I had the opportunity to take the entrance examination to either Bronx Science, which is a great New York school, or the High School of Music and Art, another great school. … And I had a science teacher who was very encouraging for me to enter into science — I was very good at science — and he wanted me to go to Bronx Science.


And I was evasive about that, because I didn’t want to tell him that it ain’t gonna happen.But the day of the entrance exam — they occurred on the same day — I took the entrance examination to the High School of Music and Art.