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When a microwave oven is running, you should be too - Wireless technology: The dark side of convenience. Fri.

Wireless technology: The dark side of convenience

Apr. 18, 2014 by Ron Gordon (NaturalHealth365) The ancient Romans became sickened by seemingly safe lead pipes bringing drinking water. Today, the story repeats with wireless. Something new is in the air. You can’t see it, hear it, smell it or feel it, but the cells in your body can. Are we slowly cooking humanity to death? Wireless fills the air around us with an invisible electrosmog of microwave radiation used for communication by devices like cell phones, mobile computers, and smart (utility) meters. Many of us have willingly succumbed to the addiction of these modern conveniences handed to us by government and industry… but how many of us have stopped to ask: is this safe?

How does this stuff really work? While Europe begins to awaken to the dangers and starts to step back, North America hurtles towards a potential public health disaster. Most people are not aware that wireless is a modern day adaptation of WW2 radar technologies, complete with most of its inherent risks. Dr. 1. NASA: The End Of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013. SCALAR FREQUENCY CAN INJECT FEAR; SMART METERS MAKES US DUMB, & DEAD. HAARP Electromagnetic & Microwave Directed Energy Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons used in Iraq (Part 1 of 3) HAARP Electromagnetic & Microwave Directed Energy Weapons.

911 Directed Energy Weapon - The Hutchison Effect and Hurrican Erin. Cell Tower Microwave Radiation Presentation by Magda Havas. Find your local mobile mast. Ever wanted to know where your mobile signal comes from ?

Find your local mobile mast

For a while now Ofcom – the communications regulator here in the UK – have had a tool for showing your local transmitters. Problem was, it was rubbish. It’s now been given a huge facelift and, with the help of Google Maps, shows your local masts in Map view or Satellite View. You can then switch to Street View and see the mast yourself.. corr.. ;) Here I’m looking in Birmingham for masts. Protection from Microwave Radiation and Mobile Phone Mast emissions. There are a number of ways in which we can help to reduce the debilitating affects Microwave Radiation can have upon the body (emitted from Phone Masts and other sources).

Protection from Microwave Radiation and Mobile Phone Mast emissions

We can move home, which is not ideal or always possible, or we can sit tight and use certain materials available today to help to block or reduce the radiation entering our home/bedroom and/or workplace. Firstly, before we come to what we CAN do to help, it may be prudent to offer a brief précis of why it is important to protect ourselves from this type of radiation. The New Generation (G3/3G) and Tetra Masts pulse(phase)-modulate their signals. It is this modulation, or 'burst repetition rate' that seems to have the most damaging effect upon the body because the frequencies generated are very close to the body's natural range of frequencies - which range from below 10 to over 1015 Hertz. Secondly, we need to know just how bad this radiation in our home or workplace really is. For Prices and Purchase, please Click Here.

Tetra & Microwave radiation. Ex-Police Sergeant Ray Savage discusses the dangers of Tetra (airwave radio) and exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which can cause cancers, brain damage and genetic deformities.

Tetra & Microwave radiation

This is not the only reason this is being done. The Tetra signal is also being used as a form of mood control as it is supposed to make people more aggressive, especially in police vans where the signal bounces back off the van and occupants inside are literally being fried. Together with new "training" techniques using neuro linguistic programming this fits the modus operandii of the establishment by transforming what were once normal police men and women into more hostile officers in a police state. You only need watch the conditioning tv programmes on telly to see the brutality by some as mentioned before. The police need to recognise they are actually being used to implement state controls over all of us. By the way, the cell phone towers are just the same if not worse. 20/21 The Dangers of Microwave Technology - TETRA Airwave System / Tetra Radio.

Secret Report On Cell Phone Dangers And Tetra Confidential Report On TETRA Strictly For The Police Federation Of England and Wales. TETRA and Health: a quick summary of the science, research and effects from the national research-based TETRA Airwave safety campaign. Government mistakes on major projects going over budget and failing to deliver are common enough.

TETRA and Health: a quick summary of the science, research and effects from the national research-based TETRA Airwave safety campaign

We might be able to accept mistakes and misjudgements, and many of us realise that there is nothing we can do about it. It isn’t that any particular political party is much worse than any other. However, in the case of TETRA, we have a system that has been steamrollered through on the back of an illegal contract, and delivered literally onto people’s doorsteps, without consultation or consent. TETRA and the police from the national research-based TETRA Airwave safety campaign. No argument Let’s be clear from the start, the police deserve excellent communications, for their safety and for their effectiveness in fighting crime on our behalf.

TETRA and the police from the national research-based TETRA Airwave safety campaign

Let’s be clear, the Government has sold off their old VHF radio frequencies prematurely. But let’s also be clear that just because the pressure is on does not make TETRA acceptable on grounds of health risk, of cost, and of functionality. There is a letter at the end of this page that sets out a stark warning. MICROWAVE WEAPONRY'S USE ON PEOPLE EXPLAINED BY DR BARRIE TROWER.