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Google. 25,000 Images of Art That You Can Re-use for Free. Open content licensing for educators. OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. – Free Online Courses Built by Professors. Index. Open Educational Resources at The Open University. The Open University (OU) is a world leader in the development of Open Educational Resources (OER) and several prominent projects have emerged in recent years reflecting our work in this groundbreaking new field of Education. This website is a portal to all the Open University OER projects, current and complete, to showcase our research and good practice which takes place at the University and to link to our own OER output.

We aim to provide a coherent view of OER activity at the OU for our staff, our students and the world. Developing learners with OU OER The OU now ensures it provides around 5% of its course materials as free open educational content every year. Over 7m learners every year start a learning journey with the OU’s open accessible materials via OpenLearn, the home of free learning from the OU: In June 2008 The OU were invited to join iTunes U. OU students also benefit from this activity. Finding OERs. Search engines A number of search engines exist to search Open Educational Resources. These include: DiscoverEd - "Discover the Universe of Open Educational Resources"Jorum - "free learning and teaching resources, created and contributed by teaching staff from UK Further and Higher Education Institutions"OCWFinder - "search, recommend, collaborate, remix"OER Commons - "Find Free-to-Use Teaching and Learning Content from around the World.

Organize K-12 Lessons, College Courses, and more. "Temoa - "a knowledge hub that eases a public and multilingual catalog of Open Educational Resources (OER) which aims to support the education community to find those resources and materials that meet their needs for teaching and learning through a specialized and collaborative search system and social tools. " Dandelion Image CC BY-NC-SA monteregina.