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ThisMoment - save and share the moments of your life. 10 Tools to Make Your Blog Smarter, Faster, Better | Digital Med. Blog convertor -- Convert your blog from one platform to another. This project contains a number of converters to and from different Blog services. The code is written in Python with scripts to execute the conversions either on the command-line, through a Windows batch script, or hosted on Google App Engine. If you were directed here from a hosted service, please see the README file for information on how to run the various converters.

This project is open source and distributed under the Apache license. Please feel free to add to or modify this source and propose changes or new converters. If you are experiencing any problems with the converters or the hosted service, please add to the issue list or ask a question on the discussion group. For the list of supported conversions, see the ProductConversionsMatrix. Retaggr - your online presence everywhere.

The WordPress Theme for Serious Online Publishers — Thesis Theme. Here at DIYthemes, our goal for 2017 is a simple one: We want to make Thesis smarter and better able to accommodate your website needs. We already made great strides with Thesis 2.3 and its built-in WooCommerce compatibility, and we also sprinkled in some features and fixes that help Thesis work better wherever you want to use it (staging servers, WP-CLI environments, etc).

With Thesis 2.4, we are pleased to introduce a new saving/response feedback system on Thesis Admin pages and the Skin Editor. Whenever you hit that green Save button, Thesis will tell you exactly what’s happening. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with Thesis 2.4. Check out the version 2.4 changelog, or else read on for a look at the most important updates in this new version. [click to continue…] At first glance, Thesis may look like any other WordPress Theme, but that’s really where the similarities end. In other words, Thesis is a powerful tool you can use to build the high-performance website of your dreams. Nine Company Blogs That Are Fun For Anyone to Read - ReadWriteWe.

Here at ReadWriteWeb we spend a lot of time reading the blogs of companies we write about (send yours to and we've found that some of them are just plain fun. An interesting company blog can be a great way to draw in new people through relevant content of general interest - and some of them will stay to check out the service you provide. Some companies just blog about updates to their own technology and that's good for existing users to see. Others are fun to read whether you're a user or not. Here are some of the company blogs we recommend reading for a good time. 37Signals You can't talk about interesting company blogs without mentioning Signal vs.

Ning Ning powers niche social networks and the company's blog is a great place to find out about all kinds of groups that are actively using this technology. Viddler Viddler is a crazy feature rich video hosting service with a very good blog. Newsgator A.viary Adaptive Path Amazon Web Services Strands Articulate. Blogs. According to a recent report by Forrester Research that looked at 90 blogs from Fortune 500 companies, most corporate blogs are “dull, drab, and don’t stimulate discussion.” Sadly, two-thirds hardly ever get any comments, 70% stick strictly to business topics, and worse 56% just republish press releases or already public news. That has lead many to think that corporate blogging isn’t really worth much effort, which is a shame, because properly done a corporate blog can have tremendous value.

Below is a list of 15 companies that really get corporate blogging and produce blogs that are informative, fascinating, and a joy to read even for people who aren’t die-hard fans of the company. Dell – Though Dell’s corporate blog rarely strays from Dell-centric news, the company posts with a great conversational voice, often breaks news on their blog (which keeps people coming back), and listens and responds to customers. What other corporate blogs do you enjoy reading? Weblog Tools Collection. The Real Failure of Cuil. Best Wordpress Themes collection || WP themes || Wordpress templ. Social Media Monitoring and Analysis with SM2 from Techrigy. Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you? Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold.

Taking action to improve the experiences your customers have within that journey can convert them from shoppers to customers, and then to advocates. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media. Taking a walk in your customer’s shoes isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, but it can provide a rich and contextual view into exactly where the customer is in their journey. It helps you locate and remove the barriers preventing customers from reaching the next level of commitment. + Skitch = fast and fun screen capture and image shar. Secondbrain - All Your Content. 100 Personal Branding Tactics Using Social Media. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. – Tyler Durden, Fight Club. Branding one’s self in an online environment built on entropy and go-baby-go is difficult at best, and impossible if you forget to take your happy pills. To that end, I’ve come up with a quick list of 100 things you might do to help with these efforts. Feel free to add your ideas to the comments section.

If you like this one, please don’t hesitate to stumble, blog, digg, bookmark, and otherwise promote the hell out of this. Listening Build ego searches using Technorati and Google Blogsearch Comment frequently (and meaningfully) on blogs that write about you and your posts Don’t forget the conversations hiding in Twitter (use and Friendfeed. Home Base Home base is your blog/website. Passports Passports are accounts on other social networks and social media platforms. Outposts Build RSS outposts on Facebook. Content Community. Design Disease - Professional Blog Design. Beyond Blogs. Three years ago our cover story showcased the phenomenon. A lot has changed since then In the frantic news biz, where stories go stale overnight, one of our old articles is behaving very strangely. Year after year it continues to draw swarms of online readers, more than holding its own against up-to-date fare. Oddly, while technology races ahead, our story remains frozen in time.

It describes a world in which YouTube (GOOG) has yet to emerge from the garage and Twittering, today's microblogging rage, is left to the birds. The year was 2005, and the story was "Blogs Will Change Your Business. " It marked our plunge into the world of bottom-up media, of news as a "conversation. " But in the helter-skelter of the blogosphere, we wrote, something important was taking place: In the 10 minutes it took to set up a blogging account, anyone with an Internet connection could become a global publisher. Following our own advice, we ended the story by linking to our new blog, So. PodCamp Boston New Media Social Media Conference.

Delivering tweets by the dozen. The Zokutou Word Meter. Make Money Online with ProBlogger Blog Tips. Zaadz: Connect. Grow. Inspire. Empower. Wired 15.04: The See-Through CEO. Fire the publicist. Go off message. Let all your employees blab and blog. In the new world of radical transparency, the path to business success is clear. By Clive Thompson Pretend for a second that you're a CEO. Last year, Kelman was the newly hired CEO of Redfin, an online brokerage firm that was, as he puts it, "the ugly red-haired child" in the real estate world. His first reaction was to keep the situation quiet and pretend everything was OK.

Kelman set up a Redfin blog and began posting witty screeds about the nasty underbelly of the real estate business. His enemies got nervous. But customers loved it. Like some crazed convert, he trumpeted his epiphany: "I honestly believe that if Redfin were stripped absolutely bare for all the world to see, naked and humiliated in the sunlight, more people would do business with us. " And many have. The Internet has inverted the social physics of information. "You can't hide anything anymore," Don Tapscott says. Secrecy is dying. 4 Hey Clive! Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki / Fortune 500 Business Bloggi. Legal Technology - As Blogging Grows, So Do Its Do's and Do.

Blog: Policies compared: Today's corporate blogging rules. Charlene Li's Blog: Blogging policy examples. Blog: Corporate Blogging Policies. Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger.