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3 apps to check username availability across all sites at once I recently made a half serious post on FriendFeed as to whether or not you would name your child if the domain of their name wasn’t available. Perhaps I was taking it a little overboard but if you ask the same question to any company trying to come up with a name it goes well beyond making sure the domain name is available. Locking down brand names across all social media sites is not just an issue for big companies and celebrities. Internet addicts like myself are extremely particular about having a consistent username across all sites. I can only imagine the anguish of those who were late to Twitter and don’t have their username of choice. In order to address the mounting task of reserving your username across the web a number of sites are available offering varying degrees of service offerings:

The WordPress Theme for Serious Online Publishers — Thesis Theme Here at DIYthemes, our goal for 2017 is a simple one: We want to make Thesis smarter and better able to accommodate your website needs. We already made great strides with Thesis 2.3 and its built-in WooCommerce compatibility, and we also sprinkled in some features and fixes that help Thesis work better wherever you want to use it (staging servers, WP-CLI environments, etc). With Thesis 2.4, we are pleased to introduce a new saving/response feedback system on Thesis Admin pages and the Skin Editor. Whenever you hit that green Save button, Thesis will tell you exactly what’s happening. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with Thesis 2.4. Check out the version 2.4 changelog, or else read on for a look at the most important updates in this new version.

Managing your reputation through search results A few years ago I couldn't wait to get married. Because I was in love, yeah, but more importantly, so that I could take my husband's name and people would stop getting that ridiculous picture from college as a top result when they searched for me on Google. After a few years of working here, though, I've learned that you don't have to change your name just because it brings up some embarrassing search results. Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you. Think twice

Convert your blog from one platform to another This project contains a number of converters to and from different Blog services. The code is written in Python with scripts to execute the conversions either on the command-line, through a Windows batch script, or hosted on Google App Engine. If you were directed here from a hosted service, please see the README file for information on how to run the various converters.

Online Reputation Monitoring Options from Unlimited Saved SearchesDashboard, Email & RSS AlertsInfluence & Sentiment AnalysisAdd Custom FeedsGroup by ProfilesCrisisShield InsuranceUnlimited Client LoginsFull White Labeling 250 Saved SearchesDashboard, Email & RSS AlertsInfluence & Sentiment AnalysisAdd Custom FeedsGroup by ProfilesCrisisShield Insurance-- 50 Saved SearchesDashboard, Email & RSS AlertsInfluence & Sentiment Analysis----- Nine Company Blogs That Are Fun For Anyone to Read - ReadWriteWe Here at ReadWriteWeb we spend a lot of time reading the blogs of companies we write about (send yours to and we've found that some of them are just plain fun. An interesting company blog can be a great way to draw in new people through relevant content of general interest - and some of them will stay to check out the service you provide. Some companies just blog about updates to their own technology and that's good for existing users to see. Others are fun to read whether you're a user or not. Here are some of the company blogs we recommend reading for a good time. 37Signals

Communication Lessons from the Life of a Professional Mom: You Don't Say Anyone who is a parent has suffered embarrassment at the hands of their kids. I think it's part of the territory. I thought I would share one of those moments with you today. Many evenings, as my oldest child is finishing her homework, I will walk my two youngest to get the mail from our mailbox which is two blocks away. I make a game of it: playing Simon says, follow the leader, or I spy along the way.

Blogs According to a recent report by Forrester Research that looked at 90 blogs from Fortune 500 companies, most corporate blogs are “dull, drab, and don’t stimulate discussion.” Sadly, two-thirds hardly ever get any comments, 70% stick strictly to business topics, and worse 56% just republish press releases or already public news. That has lead many to think that corporate blogging isn’t really worth much effort, which is a shame, because properly done a corporate blog can have tremendous value. Below is a list of 15 companies that really get corporate blogging and produce blogs that are informative, fascinating, and a joy to read even for people who aren’t die-hard fans of the company. Dell – Though Dell’s corporate blog rarely strays from Dell-centric news, the company posts with a great conversational voice, often breaks news on their blog (which keeps people coming back), and listens and responds to customers.
