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Street Credibility

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À base de hophophop. Obey Giant - WORLDWIDE PROPAGANDA DELIVERY. MOBYPOD TV - EXPO NASTY- MIST. YouTube - Birdy Nam Nam - Abbesses. Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty. 9eme concept - collectif d'artistes - street art - peinture - ex. Galerie MobileMe - THE CARMINE VAULT. Being Ed Templeton. Follow Ed Templeton from his house in Huntington Beach, Calif., to nearby Costa Mesa, and accusations that Orange County is a cultural wasteland gain some credence. The roads are all massive boulevards lined on both sides by perfectly planned gated neighborhoods and strip malls filled chock-a-block with nothing but cheap Mexican food, dry cleaners and pawnshops. The median can wall you in for a half-mile before a left turn is allowed, and then always and only at a precise 90 degrees.

Just driving around here can be soul-crushing. Templeton was born and raised within this vast grid and, despite all that's happened in the 36 years since, he refuses to leave. You can argue that he owes his twin careers -- as a skateboard pro approaching legendary status, and as a fine artist with a growing international following -- to this place.

Wassup Rockers.