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10 wonderfully Lovecraftian Films without HPL, the Necronomicon, or Cthulhu anywhere in sight. If you’ve come to visit this page then it’s safe to bet that you are likely a fan of H.

10 wonderfully Lovecraftian Films without HPL, the Necronomicon, or Cthulhu anywhere in sight

P. Lovecraft. And being a fan of HPL you probably know or feel, that Lovecraft isn’t just a preconceived mythology, but also a state of mind and mood. It seems that authors are more successful at writing Lovecraftian literature than film makers are at producing. Or it least there are more pieces of effective Lovecraftian writing than films. What many authors can grok as far as the Lovecraftian experience is seem to pass most film makers by. Mike’s list of recommended Lovecraftian movies. There are fates worse than death Below is a list of Lovecraftian-themed movies that I recommend — what I consider to be the best of the best.

Mike’s list of recommended Lovecraftian movies

Note that I did not say that this is a list of movies based on Lovecraft’s stories. Some movies on this list are adaptations of Lovecraft’s work, to be sure; but there are plenty that are not. That’s not important. What is important is that the movie makes good use of Lovecraftian themes, whether it’s an adaptation or not. For example, you won’t find The Dunwich Horror on this list, but you will find Dagon (a Lovecraft adaptation) and Absentia (not a Lovecraft adaptation). What does make a movie Lovecraftian, in my opinion? Also, this is a personal list; it’s movies that I think are very good to great and that use Lovecraftian themes. I’ll be adding to this list from time to time. Long story short: If you enjoy reading new stories of Lovecraftian horror like the ones found in The Lovecraft eZine, then you will probably enjoy the movies below.

“Repairman Jack”: A mystery series with Lovecraftian themes. Mike’s list of recommended Lovecraftian movies. Mike’s recommended Lovecraftian movies « Lovecraft eZine. There are fates worse than death Below is a list of Lovecraftian-themed movies that I recommend — what I consider to be the best of the best.

Mike’s recommended Lovecraftian movies « Lovecraft eZine

Note that I did not say that this is a list of movies based on Lovecraft’s stories. Some movies on this list are adaptations of Lovecraft’s work, to be sure; but there are plenty that are not. That’s not important. What is important is that the movie makes good use of Lovecraftian themes, whether it’s an adaptation or not. For example, you won’t find The Dunwich Horror on this list, but you will find Dagon (a Lovecraft adaptation) and Absentia (not a Lovecraft adaptation). What does make a movie Lovecraftian, in my opinion? Also, this is a personal list; it’s movies that I think are very good to great and that use Lovecraftian themes. I’ll be adding to this list from time to time. Long story short: If you enjoy reading new stories of Lovecraftian horror like the ones found in The Lovecraft eZine, then you will probably enjoy the movies below. The Lovecraft. Exotic spheres, or why 4-dimensional space is a crazy place.

The world we live in is strictly 3-dimensional: up/down, left/right, and forwards/backwards, these are the only ways to move.

Exotic spheres, or why 4-dimensional space is a crazy place

For years, scientists and science fiction writers have contemplated the possibilities of higher dimensional spaces. What would a 4- or 5-dimensional universe look like? Or might it even be true, as some have suggested, that we already inhabit such a space, that our 3-dimensional home is no more than a slice through a higher dimensional realm, just as a slice through a 3-dimensional cube produces a 2-dimensional square?

Just as a 3-dimensional object can be projected onto a 2-dimensional plane, so a 4-dimensional object can be projected onto 3-dimensional space. This image comes from the projection of a 4-dimensional hypersphere. According to the early 20th century horror writer H.P. Higher dimensions and hyperspheres Do higher dimensions exist? Well that is fine, but how can such spaces be imagined? An important example is the sphere. Calling Cthulhu. This article is excerpted from Darklore Volume 5, which is available for sale from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Calling Cthulhu

The Darklore anthology series features the best writing and research on paranormal, Fortean and hidden history topics, by the most respected names in the field: Erik Davis, Martin Shough, David Luke, Robert Schoch and Nick Redfern, to name just a few. Darklore's aim is to support quality researchers, so it makes sense to support Darklore. You can read more sample articles from the Darklore series at the Darklore website.

Calling Cthulhu by Erik Davis (Images courtesy Dominique Signoret) Consumed by cancer in 1937 at the age of 46, the last scion of a faded aristocratic New England family, the horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft left one of America’s most curious literary legacies. Nowhere is this more evident than in the loosely linked cycle of stories known as the Cthulhu Mythos. A Pulp Poe But in terms of horror, Lovecraft delivers. The Horror of Reason Chaos Culture A) Chanting. Watch Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown.