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STAR WARS® Deckplans Alliance. SoroSuub XP-38 Sport Landspeeder This joint-effort project was developed by Eric "Uncle Servo" Allen, and Frank V Bonura with help from Lucas P. This project is mainly is based on the original movie production blueprints from "STAR WARS® - A New Hope", with additional design influences coming from the artwork of Doug Chiang, and vehicle schematics of Troy vigil in: "STAR WARS® - The Essential Guide to - Vehicles, and Vessels" by Del Rey® Books. Behind the scenes: Return to Main Menu. Bob fett facture.jpg.

Vaisseaux StarWars

VaderNEW_7.jpg. Jabba.jpg. Boba.jpg. Siblings.jpg. Chewy.jpg. 3po.jpg. Star Wars Uncut. R2D2 Translator. Star Wars Soundboards. Star-wars-galaxy-map-big-version-detailed12.jpg (Image JPEG, 2786x1904 pixels) - Redimensionnée (41%) Faire un sabre laser sous GIMP avec un script [Comment] - Graphi. Bonjour, j'ai remarqué que personne n'avait songé à expliquer comment se prendre pour un Jedi. En fait, la seule explication que j'ai trouvé était completement manuelle. Je vais donc vous apprendre à vous servir d'un script qui va vous transporter chez George Lucas I.Télécharger le script Attention!!! 1)Téléchargez le script ICI 2)Enregistrez sur votre bureau puis faites Clic droit>>>Extraire vers blade-roto\ 3)Ouvrez le dossier apparu et enregistrez le fichier blade-roto.scm dans \GIMP 2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts. 4)Executez The GIMP.II.

Après une rapide recherche sur Google Images, j'ai trouvé cette image, qui va nous aider à travailler sur ce script. 1)Tout d'abord, vérifiez que ce script est bien installé. 2)Avec l'outil PLume, en mode "Tracer" tracer le contour du sabre. 3)Cliquez sur "Créer une sélection depuis un chemin". 4)Une nouvelle fenêtre s'ouvre, mettez les parametres comme moi: ne vous occupez pas de la couleur de "Custom Colour", il faut juste que la case soit décochée. Save Star Wars. In 1988, the American motion picture industry went through a legal upheaval that went all the way to Congress. Ted Turner had purchased the rights to studio libraries, such as MGM and RKO, and was releasing classic films in colourized versions, to surprising success.

Many of the directors of these films were still alive and protested this bastardization--but alas, they had no legal case. This inspired Hollywood to go to Washington. Directors like Steven Spielberg, James Stewart, Woody Allen, John Huston and George Lucas testified before Congress in order to enact legislation that would protect artists from having their work defaced as well as ensuring the public had access to classic films--their cultural heritage--in the original form. His younger self, however, fought against the very things his future self would do, not even a decade later. In August of this year, I wrote a lengthy article on the dearth of American film preservation law--I should have just let George Lucas write it!

Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki. L'univers de Star Wars est désormais à votre portée. | Home. Star Wars Pinup Style Propaganda Posters « G33KPRON – Games, Comics, Movies, Gadgets, Music, Cosplay & Girls.

Urban Star Wars « G33KPRON – Games, Comics, Movies, Gadgets, Music, Cosplay & Girls. Stormtroopers 365 : un album. Pimp My Ride: AT-AT « G33KPRON – Games, Comics, Movies, Gadgets, Music, Cosplay & Girls. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s pronounced [eh-tee eh-tee] NOT [at at]. You wanna know why? AT-ATs are not the only Imperial walkers. There are also All Terrain Scout Transports or AT-ST. Not to mention AT-PT, AT-AA, AT-AR, AT-AP, AT-TE, AT-OT, AT-RT and MT-AT. Pimped out AT-ATs after the jump. SOURCE: Thaeger. Empire Strikes Back Retold in Icons « G33KPRON – Games, Comics, Movies, Gadgets, Music, Cosplay & Girls.

Exclusive: Olly Moss Reimagines Star Wars Original Trilogy for Mondo | Underwire |