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The Euphemism Treadmill - replacing the "R-Word" Do-It-Yourself Guide to Measuring the Moon’s Distance. Want to stay on top of all the space news? Follow @universetoday on Twitter The Moon. Photo credit: NASA. When the distance from the Earth to the Moon comes up, the common figure thrown around is 402,336 km (or 250,000 miles). But have you every wondered how astronomers got that figure? And how exact it really is? There are a couple of ways you can measure the distance of the Moon that don’t require lasers or any instruments. There are two ways to measure the distance from the Earth to the Moon on your own: using a Lunar eclipse and using parallax. The phases of a Lunar eclipse. The Ancient Greeks used Lunar eclipses – the phenomena of the Earth passing directly between the sun and the Moon – to determine the distance from the Earth to its satellite.

Start with the few knowns. From these measurements, it was simple geometry that allowed Aristarchus (c. 270 BC) to determined that the Moon was round 60 Earth radii away (about 386,243 km or 240,000 miles). About Amy Shira Teitel.


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