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Informations. Coffre à outils pédagogiques : plus de 80 logiciels et services en ligne utiles en situation de formation. Accueil du portail - Éduscol. InstaGrok | A new way to learn. Sweet Search.

Edmodo | Où on apprend | S'inscrire, se connecter. EDU. For Education. 25 Ways Teachers Can Integrate Social Media Into Education. 9 Great New Web Tools for Teachers. Everyday new web 2.0 tools emerge and some others die. It is thanks to the existence of such tools that internet became interactive and users shifted from the basic role of just passive consumers of digital input to active participant in the creation of the digital knowledge.

The fact that this information revolution has radically transfomed education is no novel news to teachers and educators. The use of technology in education has become pervasive and the more we continue to invest in this field the better our instrction become. As I said before to keep track of the new web tools that are created almost every day is not an easy task for a teacher who already has several other peocupations. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, however, can help you stay informed about these recent releases. 1- Socrative This is a great web platform for teachers and students . 2- Late Nite Labs This is another website which has a great potential in education. 3- Three Ring 4- Global Scholar 7- Lore. Time Educational Videos. Teaching with Google Earth. Created by Glenn A. Richard, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University A Complete Guide to Using Google Earth in the Geoscience Classroom What is Google Earth?

- provides Google Earth basics, including descriptions of the three versions of the program.Becoming Familiar with Google Earth - provides information about web resources and books for learning how to use Google Earth. Why Teach with Google Earth? Classroom Activities: Ready-to-use Ready to get started teaching with Google Earth? Contribute a Teaching Activity If you have a Google Earth activity you would like to share with the community, please use our Contribute an Activity form to upload your materials. More Google Earth Pedagogy from On the Cutting Edge. Vidéo Cours - Une sélection de vidéos pédagogiques.

Créer des QCM ludiques, de petits jeux interactifs scénarisés et animés en Flash. | 10ème édition de la Nuit des Musées – 17 mai 2014 about 19 hours ago - Aucun commentaire Samedi 17 mai 2014, à l'occasion de la Nuit européenne des musées (re)découvrez gratuitement les musées de l'Oise, dans une ambiance nocturne… Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et la Direction des musées de France vous invite à la 10ème édition de la Nuit des musées le samedi 17 mai 2014 jusqu'à… Magicien du geste » le Temps de la création » 4, 5 & 6 avril 2014 about 2 weeks ago - Aucun commentaire " le Temps de la création " Les 4, 5 & 6 avril 2014 auront lieu les journées européennes des métiers d'art dont l'objectif est de faire découvrir au grand public et aux jeunes les différents métiers d'art existants.

Le site Web : Le programme en Picardie : Appel à projets 2014-2015 about 1 month ago - Aucun commentaire 17 au 23 mars 2014 « Jardinage pour les écoles » et Observatoire des saisons. Français interactif. Soutien multi-matières. IMR : Cours de langues  - Etat de Fribourg. Anglais 6e.