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Transition Port Phillip | Calling all gardeners and growers, foodies, artists, musos, educators, jack-of-all-trades, organisers, young and young at heart and lovers! Transition Port Phillip's vision is a connected, thriving & resilient community that is better able to respond to the challenges we face, like climate change, peak oil and economic instability. If you're working towards a more prosperous and sustainable Port Phillip, get involved and connect with locals taking action, sign up as a member on this website, take part in the discussions and come along to an event or social gathering! For more info please contact the TPP guiding team: Convivial Kitchen is back!

Get togethers held on the last Wednesday of the month at the EcoCentre to share seasonal recipes, preserving & cooking skills. Next session 6.30pm Wed 30 April - GNOCCHI with Astrid - hope to see you there! Community Resilience Mapping Would you like to take part in creating a new map of Port Phillip? Transition Network. Free economy community. The Freecycle Network. Freegle: Don't throw it away - give it away!