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Food and Agriculture Freedoms

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Tsū. Weeds,Weeds and More Good Weeds! What ya got growing outside right now?

Weeds,Weeds and More Good Weeds!

Tsū. Healthy News and Information. Tsū. How To Grow Onions On Your Windowsill. Have your own supply of fresh onions, year round, on your windowsill.

How To Grow Onions On Your Windowsill

With this genius and space saving idea you’ll be able to grow your own crop of delicious and crunchy onions. Tsū. Farming Systems Trial: Overview. The Farming Systems Trial (FST)® at Rodale Institute is America’s longest running, side-by-side comparison of organic and chemical agriculture.

Farming Systems Trial: Overview

Started in 1981 to study what happens during the transition from chemical to organic agriculture, the FST surprised a food community that still scoffed at organic practices. After an initial decline in yields during the first few years of transition, the organic system soon rebounded to match or surpass the conventional system. Over time, FST became a comparison between the long term potential of the two systems. UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World. UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World Via Transformative changes are needed in our food, agriculture and trade systems in order to increase diversity on farms, reduce our use of fertilizer and other inputs, support small-scale farmers and create strong local food systems.

UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World

That’s the conclusion of a remarkable new publication from the U.N. Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The report, Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before it is Too Late, included contributions from more than 60 experts around the world (including a commentary from IATP). The report links global security and escalating conflicts with the urgent need to transform agriculture toward what it calls “ecological intensification.” Next Target: GMO Biotech Descends on African Countries. It takes a keen eye to disentangle the GMO lie.

Next Target: GMO Biotech Descends on African Countries

It seems that growing upheaval in Europe, Canada, and the US against GMOs is causing the makers to look elsewhere to sell their poison-wares. So the biotech bullies want to weasel their way into African governments to allow biotech farming in countries where thousands are already dying. A delegation from the biotech industry composed of European scientists and policy makers is to meet the Ghanaian, Ethiopian, Kenyan and Nigerian farm ministers as well as officials from the African Union. Their aim: to bolster governmental support of controversial GM crops. This despite the fact that in past years, African countries have refused to accept genetically modified food aid demanding biosafety risk assessments before importing such food, fearing that GM food could transmit toxic proteins and allergens to the human body.

Blindsite2k : #food #water #resources #waste... Greener Planet daily inspiration Environment Renewable Energy Construction industry Passive House Green Home waste energy efficiency. As Fast Food Workers Go On Strike In 100 Cities, Applebees Unveils The "Waiter Terminator" Today, in the latest escalation by minimum paid restaurant workers who demand greater wages, Fast-food workers and labor organizers are set to turn out in support of higher wages in cities across the country Thursday and walkouts are planned in 100 cities, with rallies set for another 100 cities.

As Fast Food Workers Go On Strike In 100 Cities, Applebees Unveils The "Waiter Terminator"

While it's not clear what the actual turnout will be, how many of the participants are workers and what impact they'll have on restaurant operations, it is possible that your 99 cent lunch may be delayed or outright cancelled today. Per the AP: The actions would mark the largest showing yet over the past year. At a time when there's growing national and international attention on economic disparities, labor unions, worker advocacy groups and Democrats are hoping to build public support to raise the federal minimum wage of $7.25, or about $15,000 a year for full-time work. So instead the strikers were met with something a bit more persuasive: brute Police force.

Bring Mandatory GMO Labeling To Canada. Scientists push to implement edible RFID tracking chips in food. (NaturalNews) It will monitor your calorie intake, show from where your food was sourced, and even let you know when the food in your fridge is about to go bad -- these are some of the enticing claims made by the developers of a new system that embeds edible radio frequency identification (RFID) chips directly into food.

Scientists push to implement edible RFID tracking chips in food

Its creators insist the technology will revolutionize the way humans eat for the better, but critical-thinking onlookers will recognize the ploy as just another way to track and control human behavior. Developed by Hannes Harms from the Royal College of Art in London, the "NutriSmart" system is based on the idea that RFID wafers injected directly into food can help better track the food supply chain, further automate the supermarket shopping experience, and simplify the eating experience by programming data into food so that humans essentially do not have to think about what they aredoing.

Sources for this story include: The NutriSmart system would put RFIDs into your food for enhanced information. ( -- RFID, short for Radio Frequency ID, tags have found their way into a wide variety of applications.

The NutriSmart system would put RFIDs into your food for enhanced information

These pellets, which are often roughly the same size as a grain of rice, can help us to be reunited with our lost pets, keep towels inside the hotel, and keep big box stores shipping the right boxes to the right places at the right time. In time you may even find them inside your own stomach. At least they will be there if Hannes Harms has anything to say about it. Bee Pollen, Cinnamon, And Many Other NHP'S No Longer Being Sold In Canada. Health Canada is continuing to block natural health products from hitting Canadian shelves.

Bee Pollen, Cinnamon, And Many Other NHP'S No Longer Being Sold In Canada

In there most recent move a major NHP manufacturer has been forced to discontinue 53 safe, popular NHPs. Including Bee Pollen, Zinc, GABA, Resveratrol, Grapeseed extract, cinnamon, boron, Gaba, B12, and boswellia. Bee Pollen, Cinnamon, And Many Other NHP'S No Longer Being Sold In Canada. Health Canada is continuing to block natural health products from hitting Canadian shelves.

Bee Pollen, Cinnamon, And Many Other NHP'S No Longer Being Sold In Canada

In there most recent move a major NHP manufacturer has been forced to discontinue 53 safe, popular NHPs. Including Bee Pollen, Zinc, GABA, Resveratrol, Grapeseed extract, cinnamon, boron, Gaba, B12, and boswellia. When the regulations started in 2004, Health Canada classified NHPs as “DRUGS”. Melons now a Monsanto “invention” US corporation awarded a European patent on conventionally bred melons. Munich, 17.5.2011 Recent research conducted by the coalition No Patents on Seeds!

Shows that in May 2011, the US corporation Monsanto was awarded a European patent on conventionally bred melons (EP 1 962 578). Melons have a natural resistance to certain plant viruses. It is especially evident in melons grown in India. “This patent is an abuse of patent law because it is not a real invention. In a precedent decision, the European Patent Office (EPO) decided in December 2010, that conventional breeding could not be patented (G2/07 and G1/08).

The actual plant disease, Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), has been spreading through North America, Europe and North Africa for several years. The coalition No Patents on Seeds! The real dirt: City squashes front yard veggie plot.