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20 Educational iPad Apps Perfect for Every Classroom. January 18, 2017 Here is a list of some useful iPad apps we have been working on over the last few days.

20 Educational iPad Apps Perfect for Every Classroom

TELL A VISUAL NARRATIVE STORY WITH EDUCREATIONS. Educreations is an app that turns the iPad into a recordable, interactive whiteboard for creating Khan’s Academy-style tutorials, lessons, or stories. It’s both a teaching and learning tool, allowing users to create lessons and browse what others have created. It’s very simple to use and intuitive, requiring very little time to learn, and created videos can be used by anyone via iPad or computer. Educreations can be used either as a pedagogical tool in flipped or distance-learning classrooms (or just as supplementary instruction) or as a platform for student exhibition, allowing students to demonstrate learning, craft presentations, and teach each other.

While Educreations clearly benefits instructors interested in facilitating anytime-anywhere learning, it’s also an effective tool for getting students to create and think about how to effectively communicate ideas and concepts visually. Step 1: Assign students a particular style of narration. Step 2: Students create scripts or outlines. Mybridge - For Your Lifelong Learning. March 6, 2016 A great way to engage students in productive literacy practices is to provide them with the tools and opportunities to help them compose and narrate stories through the use of a mixture of multimedia materials that include pictures, text, audio, and video.

Besides enhancing their writing skills, this form of composition helps them express themselves multimodally and develop complex ways of communicating their ideas. In the list below, we are sharing with you a sampler of some of the best apps students can use on their iPads to create beautiful story books. Most of these apps are ideal for all grades from elementary to high school.1- Story Creator ‘With Story Creator you can easily create beautiful story books containing photos, videos, text, and audio all in one gorgeous collection. Dictaphone - Enregistreur Audio dans l’App Store. LUDIFICATION, JEUX SÉRIEUX ET TABLETTE TACTILE. PingPong - SPOT Networking. Réaliser et publier de courtes animations avec Tellagami. Les outils numériques facilitent la mise en œuvre des « quatre C » pédagogiques (pensée Critique, Collaboration, Créativité et Communication) et permettent de varier les séquences pédagogiques. Les applications mobiles de créations audio-visuelles peuvent en ce sens s’intégrer de multiples façons dans les séquences de cours.

Tellagami en est excellent exemple. Tellagami est une application très simple d’utilisation, fonctionnant sur les terminaux mobiles (ordiphones et tablettes iOS et Android), gratuite à ce jour. Tellagami permet de synchroniser un enregistrement vocal aux mouvements d’un personnage virtuel (d’aspect configurable avec quelques options), dans un décor choisi.

La vidéo finale peut être directement publiée en ligne (sur le site de l’application) ou sauvegardée dans la bibliothèque de l’appareil mobile (puis exportée). MindNode - apple. Kids must code on iPads. An important 21st Century skill This post is about a topic and app close to my heart.

Kids must code on iPads

Computer programming is the engine of modern life and dream maker for tens of thousands. More and more countries are introducing the subject as compulsory schooling at surprisingly young ages. The UK is introducing a national school programme in september this year whilst also funding to increase momentum. 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills. It's hard to imagine a single career that doesn't have a need for someone who can code.

7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills

Everything that "just works" has some type of code that makes it run. Coding (a.k.a. programming) is all around us. That's why all the cool kids are coding . . . or should be. Programming is not just the province of pale twenty-somethings in skinny jeans, hunched over three monitors, swigging Red Bull. The Best Mobile Apps For The Classroom: An Open-Ended Crowdsourced List. I was asked to write a short article listing the ten “best” mobile apps for the classroom and invited readers to contribute their own (see What Are Your Top One-To-Three Mobile Apps For The Classroom – & Why?).

The Best Mobile Apps For The Classroom: An Open-Ended Crowdsourced List

You might also be interested in: The Best Mobile Apps For English Language Learners The Best Sites For Beginning iPhone Users Like Me The Best Resources For Beginning iPad Users Here’s what people have contributed so far, and I plan on continuing to add to the list — please add more in the comments section: 50 Apps for the Foreign Language Classroom. I enjoy discussing iPad and other edtech resources with my colleague and friend Sylvia Duckworth almost every week through Twitter.

50 Apps for the Foreign Language Classroom

Sylvia is a leader in the French teaching community in Canada, and has created an enormous amount of resources for language teachers to use. I asked her if she wanted to collaborate on this post, and she quickly agreed to do so. Below is a list of iPad apps that we both use in our language classrooms. The ones marked with an * are the essential, must-have ones. 50 Of The Best Resources For iPads In Education. Daily Notes +Tasks. Microsoft OneNote for iPad. 50 Must-Have Educational Apps. It’s time for holiday road trips and you know what that means: driving, flying, cranky kids, and… teaching opportunities!

50 Must-Have Educational Apps

What’s that, you say? Well, there is so much downtime during the holidays where kids and adults spend hours just passing the time… why not try out some new apps on your phone? Many of these apps were found by The Teaching Palette, be sure to check out their fantastic site for more helpful resources! From learning the ABCs to doodling, there’s plenty of terrific apps out there that will pass the time but also educate. If you have other apps you want added to this list, just add them in the comments. *Most of the links below are to the iTunes store which will open another window and/or iTunes. 65 of the Best iOS Apps From 2014. Another year, another great set of new apps that hit the iOS store.

65 of the Best iOS Apps From 2014

As you unwrap your new iPhone or iPad, get these apps installed on your new device! More of an Android person? Check out 60 of the best Android apps launched in 2014. Workflow Hot off the presses, Workflow is a new app that makes it easy to automate processes on iOS. 6 Great iPad Apps Students Can Use to Create Avatars. 26 iPad Apps to Transform Your Teaching. Oggetti che diventano parlanti con Talking Cutie. Talking Cutie è una simpatica e gratuita app per iPad che permette di aggiungere voce ad oggetti e persone contenuti nelle immagini.

Oggetti che diventano parlanti con Talking Cutie

App per iPad da prendere in considerazione. 52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom In 2015. 52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom In 2015 by TeachThought Staff This post was sponsored by CK-12, a non-profit foundation that creates and aggregates high quality curated STEM content.

52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom In 2015

What are the best apps for your classroom? The best little bits of software to use tomorrow, in your school, to make your classroom go? This is, strangely, not a frequent topic for us. But what if that’s not your bag? This is the reality that, if statistics don’t mislead, most of you face on a daily basis. 7 Apps To Turn Your iPad Into A Digital Whiteboard. Whether you’re interesting in blending, flipping, personalizing, or differentiating your classroom, technology can be a huge help. Technology gives students direct access to content, which frees the teacher up for other roles. iPads function exceptionally well in this capacity, and one of their talents is to function as a digital whiteboard. Education Apps – Apps for Coding on Tablets.

Updated 15/01/2015 - Apps for Coding on Tablets With an increasing focus on programming and coding finding the way onto the curriculum in many different countries across the globe, developers are creating materials which can help educators skill themselves, and also to support pupils in this area. Coding and programming allows for individuals to show their creative side, but also embodies key, logical skills which need to be understood and mastered to create a successful programme. With technology advances racing ahead within societies, the need for programmers is going to be a key concept which individuals need to understand to be able to relate the apps, programmes and any further developments. The skills are not difficult to learn, but the issue in education is likely to be the confidence, understanding and skills of the teachers who will suddenly find coding or programming within their remit.

Ecco la raccolta delle migliori app per la scuola. Siamo giunti alla fine della rubrica di iSchool sulle migliori app per la scuola, utili non solo a bambini e ragazzi ma anche ad adulti e professori grazie alle proposte sugli strumenti di gestione dell’aula. Ricordiamo che l’elenco originale è stato raccolto da Microsoft e tutte le app sono presenti nel marketplace di Windows, ma che non si tratta di applicativi proprietari. #1.

A Rubric to Grade Students iPad Projects. July, 2014 Today's post features a practical rubric to use in class to grade your students iPad projects. This rubric ,which I learned about through Techchef4u, is created by Lisa and Mrs. Greathouse to help them "ensure that students would not just do the bare minimum while rewarding those who went above and beyond". As you can see below, the rubric features 4 key criterion to base your grading on. These are content, writing process, layout, and graphics. Each of these criterion is assessed against a scale from 1 point (incomplete) to 4 points (exemplary).

Study: iPad Apps Improve Learning. First of its kind evidence shows that an iPad learning app can measurably deliver educational value. I’ve tested, rated, tried out, and put tons of educational iPad apps through their paces. Some are worthwhile, some are not worth your time. That’s why I was excited to read about a new study that attempted to figure out the actual effectiveness of iPad apps in learning. In a landmark study, a USC professor studied 122 fifth-graders from two schools and four math classes to assess the effectiveness of an iPad app for improving students’ fractions knowledge and attitudes. Best App Maker 2014 - App Builders and Creators - BusinessNewsDaily. Credit: Bloomua / Shutterstock When searching for the best app makers, we looked for solutions that are affordable and let you create professional-looking apps without having any coding skills.

We also looked for key features such as pre-made templates, push notifications, social media integration, location-based services, loyalty programs, mobile commerce capabilities, customization options and the ability to create apps for Android devices, iPhones and iPads. Dynamic ART Lite - Graphical Programming for Kids. iPad App Evaluation. 2012t1coreteacherapps.pdf.

IPAD 4 SCHOOLS. Yes, we are at the beginning of a revolution in Education. Yes, we have witnessed the world going mobile and yes, there is a variety of tools available to help us make learning mobile and personal. But… Most of the teachers around the world getting excited about this and offering advice (like me) are tech-savvy people. We have already had a play with many devices, we blog and Tweet all day, researching the best practice around the world. We are comfortable with the differences and know how those differences in features and software might affect a lesson. So… iPads in the Classroom. Free apps list. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Word Swag- A Great App for Creating Poster Quotes and Educational Flyers. 50 Must-Have Educational Apps. Tynker Launches an iPad App That Helps Kids Learn Programming.

Unleashing Creativity: Greg Kulowiec App Smashing - from Beth Holland. Moving Activities with iPad SK12 Version. Top 20 ipad apps to flip your classroom in #tabletscourse. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 12 Excellent Android Apps for Unleashing Students Creativity. Developing iPad learning workflows for best learning outcomes. 24 Apps, Games, and Websites Teachers are Using in STEAM Classrooms. In February, we highlighted apps, games, and websites that support science, technology, engineering, art, and math learning (STEAM).

10 Free iPad Creativity Apps for Young Learners. Quip. Game Word Generator - The Game Gal. Plotagon - Write a story, make an animated video. 15 Essential Apps For The Organized Teacher. A List of Some Good Teacher-tested Tools to Try in Your Class. Mobile Learning y Realidad Aumentada en Educación. Paper Critters. Le app per leggere un saggio da 200 pagine in 15 minuti.

Livres et applications iPad - iPhone pour enfantOkiwibook. Resources for Using iPads in Grades 3-5. Apps educativas organizadas y clasificadas. 36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads. Apprendre ensemble. Dictée Montessori dans l’App Store. GeoGebra dans l’App Store. Tangram dans l’App Store. Le potentiel pédagogique de 190 applications iPad.pdf. iPad Apps Classified by SAMR model. Applications pour tablettes "iPad".