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TimeslotPanel | Rudi Grobler. A while ago I wrote a couple of CodeProject articles on how to recreate a outlook calendar using WPF… Occasionally I still get emails from people asking… how can I make it work in silverligh? How can I show multiple day? Etc… “Hindsight is 20/20” So, in the next couple of blog articles I will try and redesign this control and dissect the parts that make it work! I have a couple of “Design Goal”: Work in Silverlight and WPFSupport multiple views (Day,Week,Month,etc)Extensible and skinnable Lets start with the basics, at the heart of this control is a flexible layout panel called a TimeslotPanel! What is layout? The short answer is that layout is simply the act of arranging a set of rectangles on the screen. To create your own layout panel you do need to understand that WPF/Silverlight uses what is called a 2-pass layout. First, the parent asks each child what’s your size and then it tells each child where thy should be (and how big)!

Let’s take a sneak peak Date & Time ranges PS. Also Read. Creating an Outlook Calendar using WPF (Part 1) Download source code - 28.7 KB Microsoft Office is undoubtedly one of the best selling products in the world today! Thy always try and innovate… In this CodeProject article, I will try and recreate the Microsoft Outlook Calendar control using WPF. All elements/controls in WPF are look-less! This reduces the need to create custom controls. A button is an element that supports clicking on it and then raising a Click event, but there is no restriction on how this button should look! So, with my WPF think cap on, I tried to find a control that I could restyle to fit my calendar control… After trying out a few ideas, I decided to rather create a custom control. Here are the basic elements of my custom Calendar control: CalendarLedgerItem and CalendarLedger The ledger indicates the timeslot time.

CalendarTimeslotItem Each day is divided into 30 minute slots (represented by CalendarTimeslotItem). Hide Copy Code CalendarAppointmentItem [Note] I know this sucks a little… I will address this in part 2! WPF Timeline Control - Part I. Download demo project - 239.51 KB Introduction This article will go over a tool that gives you the ability to create and manage multiple timelines with freely editable items.

You can add items to multiple timelines in a structure that is MVVM compatible. The control manages logic to provide some intelligent behaviors, etc. The presentation is completely open to use your own data templates to allow you to have full control of all aspects of your presentation. All start and end time values are managed through data binding, which allows you to use this control and have real time updates to your own entities. This is my first foray into control development, so I hope it will be useful to many, but I also really look forward to any feedback and contributions.

Background There are a lot of timeline tools out there for WPF, but none of them provide the kind of behavior I needed. Using the Code Hide Copy Code public interface ITimeLineDataItem { DateTime? Points of Interest Intended Upgrades History.


Raspberry Pi Camera - MyLabWiki. Usage Currently, there are are two options for getting video out of the Raspberry Pi camera: The raspivid application The V4L2 interface (beta) The v4l2 interface can be useful for applications that only have that input options. For applications that can read input from file the raspivid application might be better because it provides more complete control over the camera and compressor parameters. The following sections describe how we can use the. The starting point is a stock raspbian image with the camera interface enabled. Using the camera with VLC Install VLC VLC is available through the raspbian repositories: $ sudo apt-get install vlc RTSP with VLC Start never ending server at 1280x720 30 frames per second, and 4.5 Mbps: On the client side: $ cvlc CPU load: ref. load: 6% CPU 0 clients: 25% CPU 1 clients: 35% CPU 2 clients: 45% CPU HTTP with VLC Server: Client: $ cvlc I observed very poor video quality (pixelated) at client end.

Raspberry Pi as low-cost HD surveillance camera. Introduction This article describes how to build a surveillance cam based on a Raspberry Pi micro-computer which records HD video when something moves in the monitored area. Live picture can be viewed from any web browser, even from your mobile while you're on the road. What you will get: See live stream in any web browser from anywhere Record any motion into video file Usually, such a cam will cost you around US$1,000, but with the result from this article, you will get such a cam for only about US$120. Background Have you ever heard of Raspberry Pi? Hardware components We need some hardware for this project. Raspberry Pi Model B: This is the larger model of the Raspberry computer system with 700MHz and 512MB Ram. SD card: as the Raspberry Pi does not have any storage on board, you need to add some so that you can install and run the operating system for this device.

That's all: for about US$120 we have all the hardware we need to build this HD surveillance cam. Install Raspbian Hide Copy Code. Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi Information and Products for Custom Applications and Engineering Richard J Kinch, PhD Last updated: March, 2016 This page describes the lens adapters I design and manufacture for the Raspberry Pi camera module. Raspberry Pi Single-Board Computer The Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized computer. The original Raspberry Pi was introduced in 2012. Raspberry Pi Camera Module The Raspberry Pi camera module.

The Raspberry Pi camera module offers a unique new capability for optical instrumentation because it is the only device I know of with all of these critical capabilities required for hardware and software application engineering: None of the recent 1080p cameras like the GoPro Hero3/Hero4 or HackHD provide all of these features. The Raspberry Pi camera module has several technical shortcomings and limitations: Details below explain: Raspberry Pi camera module stock lens characteristics: Field of view when substituting a different lens on the Raspberry Pi camera module:

Nwazet Pi Camera Box. The 'Nwazet Pi Camera Box' is designed for hosting a Raspberry Pi computer (model A or B) and a Pi Camera module together in a compact and versatile enclosure. This all-integrated design ensures that the camera's fragile ribbon cable doesn't get damaged while exposed during operation. This case can accommodate an optional magnetic camera lens, which opens up new possibilities above and beyond the outstanding optical quality of the Pi Camera module.

The black matte case is opaque, ensuring that the red led mounted on the Pi Camera module will not affect the ambient light captured by the camera. The back of the 'Pi Camera Box' can accept an optional wall-mounting bracket for permanent installations. The flexibility of this design is ideal for using a Raspberry Pi and its camera module in a variety of applications such as security with a wide angle fish-eye lens, process monitoring, computer vision, high-definition time lapses, motion sensing and many other fun projects.

Specifications Software. : Logcheck: Keep an eye on your Linux server logs. I was watching Chris Jenks' Intro to Linux system hardening talk from Derbycon 2012 yesterday, when he mentioned Logcheck as an additional tool that can help you harden your Linux system. Technically Logcheck isn't going to protect you against attacks, but it will be one of the first to notify you when something goes wrong. I have been meaning to play with it for some time, so I quickly set it up on a test server. It turns out that Logcheck is a pretty simple tool. All it does is periodically check the log files you specify. It filters out the uninteresting parts and emails you what is left. The really valuable part in the Logcheck distribution is its rule database that distinguishes between the interesting and uninteresting log entries.

I'm using Ubuntu and I think all Debian-derived machines have this pretty simple: sudo apt-get install logcheck The above will make sure you have a mail server installed too since Logcheck needs a way to send those log summaries to you. How to go from (Arduino) prototype to (selling) product | Hardware Startup. While reading Arduino and DIY hardware forums, I noticed that quite a few people have questions about moving from an Arduino prototype to a (selling) product.

Since I have done this a few times and have learned a lot during the years, I decided to share what I think is the best (quickest, cheapest and lowest risk) method that I have used. In addition, I will try to address some of the choices that come with taking a product into (pilot) production. High-level steps: Built prototype using Arduino and breadboard [few days]Draw schematic, design printed circuit board [PCB] with CAD program [e.g. Eagle] [1 day]Order protoboards [wait 2-4 weeks]Solder protoboard, test and adapt if needed [1hr to several days]Get quotes for manufacturing based on Bill-of-Materials and Gerber design files [1 week]Select manufacturer and order (pilot) series [few weeks] Things to consider: If you are going to make a (small) series of products, you want to make sure that you select the right components. Pilot run: Ep 7: Comparing Arduino and Raspberry Pi — AddOhms TutorialCast. Les congés payés dans le calcul de la rémunération. Connaître les règles à respecter pour le calcul de l'indemnité de congés payés Le Code du travail prévoit deux méthodes différentes pour calculer l'indemnité de congés payés d'un salarié.

Pour savoir comment les appliquer, il faut se mettre en situation. L'hypothèse évoquée concerne un salarié qui dispose d'un solde de droits à congés payés et qui prend des vacances au cours d'un mois M. Le bulletin de paie du mois M (voire M+1) doit mentionner le congé, et distinguer la rémunération de la période travaillée de celle attribuée au titre de la période de congés (indemnité de congés payés). Pour calculer cette « indemnité de congés payés », vous devez en fait comparer le résultat de deux modes de calculs : méthode du 1/10 : prendre en compte la rémunération de « la période de référence congés payés » et lui appliquer un taux de 10 % ;méthode du maintien de salaire : évaluer le maintien du salaire pendant le congé ou « salaire théorique ». Calculer l'indemnité selon la règle du 1/10e.

Welcome to the Tomato USB web site - TomatoUSB. Attaque Brute force DNS Decouverte d'hôtes. 1 - Introduction 2 - Théorie 3 - Pratique 3.1 - Moteur de recherche 3.2 - Utilisation d'un brute force DNS 3.3 - Le cache DNS d'un opérateur 4 - Contre-mesures 5 - Conclusion 6 - Discussion autour de la documentation 7 - Suivi du document 1 - Introduction Tout le monde sait que la première étape d'une attaque consiste à explorer le domaine ciblé.

Il faut agir dans l'ordre suivant : d'abord lister les machines appartenant au réseau de la cible puis identifier les services qui tournent sur chacune de ces machines et leurs versions. Cet article vient donc en amont de l'article précédent « Les Scan UDP et TCP » Il parait tout a fait logique que si un pirate ne peut pas lister les machines du domaine ciblé, il n'a plus aucun support à attaquer.Ce chapitre suppose une connaissance de base du protocole DNS. 2 - Théorie Il y a quelques années, les pirates faisaient appel aux transferts de zone DNS afin de lister l'ensemble des machines d'un domaine qu'ils prévoyaient d'attaquer. 3 - Pratique. What is PCL3GUI format? | VeryPDF Knowledge Base. Does anybody know, what is the difference between PCL3GUI and normal PCL3?

I've searched everywhere in Web, but did not found the details about PCL3GUI Technical Reference and "Command Set" list. So far as I know, PCL3GUI is for bitmap data only but use different compression methods to compress the bitmap data, bitmap headers or something else, PCL3GUI is an extended format to PCL3, but what is the extension to the PCL3? Anybody can tell me? PCL3GUI is utilized on HP PHOTOSMART and a few DESKJET drivers. The large distinction is mode 10 compression of images. VeryPDF company has technology to convert documents to PCL5e, PCL5c, PCL-XL and PCL3GUI formats. Differences between PCL 5/6 and PCL 3 PCL3 is in fact a subset of PCL3GUI. In the event you would prefer to learn the details, please directly contact me at Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) Raspberry Pi. What is PCL3GUI format? | VeryPDF Knowledge Base. Documentation. Simple Authentication and Authorization Application — CakePHP Cookbook 2.

Following our Blog Tutorial example, imagine we wanted to secure the access to certain URLs, based on the logged in user. We also have another requirement, to allow our blog to have multiple authors so each one of them can create their own posts, edit and delete them at will disallowing other authors to make any changes on one’s posts. Authentication (login and logout) We’re now ready to add our authentication layer. In CakePHP this is handled by the AuthComponent, a class responsible for requiring login for certain actions, handling user sign-in and sign-out, and also authorizing logged in users to the actions they are allowed to reach. To add this component to your application open your app/Controller/AppController.php file and add the following lines: There is not much to configure, as we used the conventions for the users table.

We just set up the URLs that will be loaded after the login and logout actions is performed, in our case to /posts/ and / respectively. Note And that’s it!