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Community Building

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Community Rights | Giving power to communities to transform their neighbourhoods. Banking Together: Moving Our Money for the Greater Good. Cooperative Banking is the Exciting Wave of the Future By Ellen Brown According to both the Mayan and Hindu calendars, 2012 (or something very close) marks the transition from an age of darkness, violence and greed to one of enlightenment, justice and peace.

It’s hard to see that change just yet in the events relayed in the major media, but a shift does seem to be happening behind the scenes; and this is particularly true in the once-boring world of banking. In the dark age of Kali Yuga, money rules; and it is through banks that the moneyed interests have gotten their power. Today, the massive too-big-to-fail banks are hardly doing George Bailey-style loans at all. We can’t do much to stop them.

Most visible are the Move Your Money and Occupy Wall Street movements. A major problem with the divestment process is finding local banks large enough to take the deposits. CDFIs. Welcome. Open Source Ecology. REconomy.