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SelfControl | Steve Lambert. Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Once started, it can not be undone by the application, by deleting the application, or by restarting the computer – you must wait for the timer to run out. Created while at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology. Thanks to Charlie Stigler for developing the application. Self Control is Free Software SelfControl is Free Software under the GPL. Free Software means you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the application and the source code. Free Software and volunteers have made a Linux version and a Windows version possible. Why did you make this? Because I needed it, same as you. P.S. Help out Has SelfControl been helpful to you?

Download SelfControl Download SelfControl at EssayTyper. College of Arts and Letters - Michigan State University :: Awards/Scholarships. Please visit to view the many scholarships, awards, and prizes within the College of Arts and Letters for which you may be eligible to apply! A few of these are highlighted below. Please direct questions regarding the scholarships and awards listed below to Jovon Potter, Undergraduate Student Affairs (517) 353-4952 or email: Ryder Scholarship All MSU students who are planning to study abroad are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Past recipients have had a GPA of 3.5 or above. Awards can be used for study abroad programs offered during the summer, fall, or spring semester. Applications must be submitted to 200 Linton Hall. The amount of the award depends on available funds. The John W. Louis B. Alumni Endowed Student Book Scholarship and Robert L. Sexual Assault / Harassment. Livin' La Vida Loki. Art, Photography, & Design. I hate getting ripped off by on campus bookstores that charge you three times the amount that most people online charge for! The truth is that most of the time campus rental stores ignore the fact that your tuition is already very high. With pell grants and student loan interest rates going out the roof, I compiled a list of the best sites that I guarantee will save you up to 70% or give you the highest check for used textbooks. These are my absolute favorite places to save on textbooks: Amazon student - You will probably find the cheapest prices through this link. Simple to use, over a million text books from previous students or discount companies at the click of a button.

They’re even offering free delivery on sign-up. Chegg - Plants a tree every time you buy a book (I know, it’s a beautiful business plan). RentText - This one is possibly my favorite, it’s very independent and has a wonderful design and customer service. What are some of your favorite sites?