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Sites anglais

Facebook Twitter - Free educational games for kids. Main Sections - Speaky Planet. LearnEnglish Kids. Site de la souris web Anglais. Muzzy days 2. English for schools. Easy Things for Beginners (Interesting Things for ESL Students) Teach Your Monster to Read. Busuu - Apprendre des langues en ligne gratuitement.

LearnEnglish Kids. Interactive Whiteboard Games. Easy English Now (M1) English Language Learning. MES - English. Incy Wincy spider. Linguasnet - English, Spanish, Romanian and Portuguese FREE courses. Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English. BBC. Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics. English For Schools - L’apprentissage de l’anglais pour les écoles : CE2, CM1, CM2.

iLearnWith is a groundbreaking early childhood education program designed experts to deliver to children 3 to 6 years old a fun and truly educational experience.